
Monday, November 1, 2010

Character Profile: Sun Wu Kong

One of the most interesting individuals of chinese mythology is the Great Monkey, Sage who is Equal to Heaven, Sun Wu Kong.

He was a stone monkey born in ancient china. As he wandered the world he came upon other monkeys and so became their leader. He was saddened by the death of one of his subject and vowed to find a way to prevent death. He promised to travel the world and seek a way.

It was during this time he became a student of a great sage who taught him the 72 Earthly techniques of the Way of Sneaking and Transformation. A path of immortality that Sun Wu Kong was destined to learn. Here he gained great powers and abilities (invisibility, transformation into object and people, flight, teleporting, changing size, breath water, multiply himself, super strength etc). When he finally returned to his home, he had to defeat some demons that conquered his people. They convinced him, as a powerful immortal now, that he should look the part. So as instructed he demanded that the Dragon Kings gift him with magical armor and weapons. He even managed the impossible be gaining the 13,500 lbs Nail of Heaven. The Dragon Kings warned heaven about the Monkey King and he was sentenced to death. Yet even being sent to the Underworld did not quell him. There he defeated the forces of Yama and forced the Judge of the dead to give him the ledgers of Life and Death. The Monkey King simply rewrote his destiny and no longer could die.

During the next few years he became out of control as he was quite powerful and plagued heaven. It wasn;t until he lost a bet with Budha that he forced into submission for at least a 1,000 years. It was during this time that Sun Wu Kong was given a second chance by the goddess Kuan Yin. He was instructed to guard a Taoist priest that was destined to bring forth the Budhist scripture to China. To complete his task and ensure his behavior he was fitted with a headband of subjugation. Although at first he resented being used, he grew to care for his companions and protect them fiercely. During this time he also gained another very powerful item, known as the Gourd of King Silver Horn that could imprison anyone within it if they new there name.

One of the reason why I like Sun Wu Kong, is becuase deep down inside he is a caring and loving individual. He represents the greatness mankind can achieve, and the frailties we possess. Although he has made past mistakes he always tries to overcome them. He never shows fear and has an insatiable curiosity for knowledge and exploration, and in away represent the freedom of man from the divine (In the sense that we control our destiny) 

72 Earthly transformation

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