
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Famous Spellcasters: Boccob

Name: Boccob aka Al-Zarad
World: Oerth
Pantheon: Oerdian
Spells: None.
Magical Items: Staff of the Magi, Boccob's Blessed Book, and the Tome of Ancient Lore.

   Boccob's origins are shrouded in mystery. Some say he was a gifted servant of Istus who excelled at magic, but that is only speculation. It is known that Boccob first came to Oerth and walked the world at the dawn of its creation. His sole goal was to spread magical lore and influence the intelligent beings of the with the ways of magic Not only is he the master of mortal magics, but also the magic of deities as well. His interest are focus at the refinement, exploration, study, and mastery of all arcane magics. His intense focus on magics has earned him the title "The Uncaring", but this is far from the truth since he is also called the "Archmage of the Gods". He has casual relations with most deities of magic, and has yet to meet one who rivals his power.
On Oerth though, he has sponsored a champion who has proven his worth in becoming a deity. Zagig Yragerne was once the mayor and Archmage of Greyhawk, and managed to create a great many things during his time as a mortal. Zagig was once of the few mortals that cleverly found a way to ascended to godhood, and for that Boccob has taken the eccentric wizard under his wing.

Boccob is also one of the few gods who realizes the nature of the multiverse. It is said he has traveled to every plane in existence, visited parallel universe, and has traveled all across space and time. He is also known on every variation of Oerth to some extent as well. This is reflected in his realm in the Outlands, the Library of Lore. Those who have been allowed accessed to the place have said that his realm contains all the magical knowledge of the universe. His library appear as a great citadel, where few are allowed save for his mortal worshipers.Theses petitioners ensure that the library is maintained and assist is very areas of research or craft.   

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