
Friday, December 8, 2017

Stars Wars Saga Adventure Path - Episdode I "The Crystalline Heart" Part 04a

Imperial Press Corp Field Report......
Suspected Anti-Republic Group Activity: R-90, Khorrahg'ga, Tizzit, L, Padawan Talia, and Padawan Wrabbler.
Death: None

As the group headed for Bothanspace they were all secured in the cargo hold. L had convinced the Duros traders that it was in there best interest to help them get to Bothuwi. The Duros pilots had made it as comfortable as possible for them in the cargo hold. They had converted a Power Droid into a makeshift environmental and ventilation system. The hold was even made a bit cozy as they
got supplies to make the trip as comfortable as possible. Unfortunately since the trip wasn't planned and was on the fly, the short range vessel was making the way the long way around via communication arrays and way stations. They encountered a micro-meteorite shower and the vessel was pitted with tons of space debris. The minute particulates jammed the deflectors and soon the hull was hit. The cargo hold hull sustained minimum damage save for a micro-fracture along the exterior. R-90 was able to find it and soon they put together a plan to help repair the damage. R-90 would create a makeshift airlock using the breach and then weld it shut while he was outside checking the vessel and hopefully communicating with the Duros pilots. When he got to the ships controls he found that there forward view-port was fractured and the cockpit vented the atmosphere. Both pilot
were dead. As R-90 broke the view-port he quickly went in and sent the two bodies adrift in space.
He quickly ran a ships diagnostic to see the extent of the damage. Communications were down,
the engine sustained minor damage, and the hold's frame and hull was roughly intact. He quickly let Tizzit and Khorrahg'ga know of the situation. As R-90 made his way along the hull, in the distance there was an odd sphere of light. At first it seemed to be nothing more than a pinpoint of light, but it came closer and closer. It was a ship of some kind, but before R-90 could relay anything, all of his sensors and motor functions shutdown. Meanwhile inside the cargo bay, the Power Droid began to fail and environmental controls went offline. It seems something was coming through the makeshift hull. The last thing both Tizzit and Khorrahg'ga saw was a white flash of light.
The next thing R-90 new that he was back in the vessel's hold. The makeshift airlock was gone, it was if it was never assembled, micro-fracture was gone. The environmental system seemed to have been functioning normally. As R-90 ran a self diagnostic he discovered an anomaly with his chronometer. It seems that there was a few hours of unaccounted time. There was no sensory data and there was a significant gap in his system.


Master Ichael, and Padawans Wrabbler and Talia took Eshka's vessel and headed for the rendezvous that Zhato Rem had told them at Loxley Station. When they arrived they asked around about Tizzit, Aryn, and Khorrahg'ga. The Mon Calimari officer told them that a group matching there description just left the station heading toward Coruscant in a Duros Cargo Transport. It seems they were following another pair of Bothans. The group thought about what to do next. Wrabbler and Talia just left Coruscant, and there was his mission which conveniently seemed to have cross paths with Eshka. His duty needed to come first, plus there was a matter of the bounty of Eshka Melan as well that the head of the Mela clan offered. They headed toward Bothanspace. As they began to make the preparation to head out to lightspeed, Ichael had a feeling to check something out first. Something made him think of the Whills, a brief ball of light. As he headed out toward Bothanspace they dropped out of lightspeed and just listened for a few minutes. It seems his hunch was correct when Talia's and Wrabblers coms picked up a distress from R-90. He was able to Ping the location and
find the Duros vessel adrift. Scans indicated three life signs. Talia and Wrabbler communicated over that they had found them and were preparing to board. Ichael docked the shift with the emergency airlock and cut a hole through the roof of the cargo hold. L, Khorrahg'ga and Tizzit climbed out, and before R-90 lest he heard the Power Droid whimper. The Power Droid didn't want to be left adrift in
space all alone. R-90 was kind enough to bring it along.

They quickly caught up on why Talia and Wrabbler were delayed, and how they encountered Master Ichael. Master Ichael was over joyed when they mentioned that they were traveling with his Padawan Aryn, but he was kidnapped by a trio of Bothan Traders. These traders promised to provide them safe passage, but it seems that when R-90 mentioned the Melan clan they decided to put one over on them. It seems they headed to Coruscant to collect the bounty on him. Everyone wanted to head back to Coruscant...but Master Ichael despite his feelings had to put his duty first. He had found two Padawans and did not want to risk their safety. He would drop them off at a sanctuary on Bothuwi and then go and find Aryn. The ship was cramped and not designed for comfort. Eshka's ship was mainly for her Droids and some holding cells for captured bounties. R-90 found it curious that despite everything, he had encountered his maker after all these years. While everyone else was busy socializing with each other and resting, he went to speak to her. He relayed his information and ask if there was anything he could do. She asked him to free her when they got to Bothuwi and let her go. She would contact him once she had an additional task for him. She was surprised that he was still functioning, and was rather impressed that her programing allowed him to adapt to a variety of situations. She beamed with pride seeing how his A.I. managed to keep functioning and allowed him to find a new model to inhabit. The Pleasure Droid was definitely a big difference from what he originally started out from. As the got closer to Bothuwi, Master Ichael explained to group that Bothanspace was outside the jurisdiction of the Republic and they would be safe. However, there were a few local laws they would have to follow; such as the prohibition of firearms. They would have to trade in there blasters for sonic guns. As they got closer they made preparations to dock
and one of the orbital stations to go through a customs check before taking a transport planetside.

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