
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Famous Spellcasters: Dr. Fu Manchu

Name: Dr. Fu Manchu (Alias)
World: Earth
Spells: None.
Magical Items: Manchu's Elixir Vitae.

Fu Manchu was born sometime during the 1800's, and is believed to be related to one of the fallen nobles of the Manchu Dynasty.
His real name is unknown, and the alias he goes by is a title bestowed upon him by the Si-Fan. Somehow he had journeyed to the west and studied at several European universities such as; Heidelberg, Sorbonne, and Edinburgh. He received four doctorates during his studies. He has extensive knowledge of Ancient History, Anatomy, Archeology, Chinese Alchemy, Chemistry, Biology, Botany, Engineering & Architecture, Religion, Zoology, and several languages. He was mostly likely sponsored by the criminal orginization called the Si-Fan who he was an agent for. Although since it has been revealed that he had in his possession a formula for the "Elixir Vitae", his age is in question since this effectively restore his youth even 70 years or so.

For decades his organization terrorized the western powers (possibly for revenge against the Imperialist Powers of Europe who interfered with China). His organization employed arcane and unusual methods to their crimes; using rare poisons biological poisons (plants and animals), chemicals, ingenious mechanisms, animals, and archaic weapons and traps. He even used the Thugee as pawns. It is known that he fathered some children, the last known was Fay Lo Suee.

Marvel Universe: In this Universe, Dr. Fu Manchu aka "Zheng Zhu" was a sorcerer who discovered the secret of immortality centuries ago. Like his other history, he became a criminal mastermind and leader of the of many secret criminal organizations. In this universe, one of his many children, Shang-Chi rebelled against his father and vowed to thwart his organizations. With the years of training under his father minions, he was known as a master of kung fu, and became hero who is now currently a member of the "Secret Avengers".  

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