
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Famous Spellcasters: Magius of Solamnia

Name: Magius of Solamnia
World: Krynn aka Dragonlance
Spells: Light of Truth.
Magical Items: Staff of Magius

Magius was a young man of noble beginnings who was raised in Solamnia. He was a close childhood friend of Huma Dragonbane. As a young man he was gifted in the arcane arts and hope someday to become a War Wizard fighting side by side with his friend Huma who was training to become a knight. However the Knighthood called Huma one way, and the Test of High Sorcery beckoned Magius away.

When Magius took the Test of High Sorcery, he passed it with ease. However the test showed him something that he couldn't handle: his own death. Having all this power and knowing that mortality would easily be his downfall. Magius was charismatic and witty, but very prideful of his magical abilities and the test hoped to have taught in humility. Yet the Test failed, and drove him to feed off his own insecurities about mortality. He choose the Black Robes, in hopes that the order would help him prolong and secure his life. He did attract the attention of Fistandantilas for a time and learned of the many secret locations the archmage had built. Yet before even the great mage could use him, Magius switched his allegiance to the Red Robes escaping his grasp. He felt the Black Robes had to many restrictions, were treacherous, and disliked the bargains they had to endure in their lust for power. The red robes he had hoped with their freedom to explore magic would provide him what he would need. Sadly, even they too proved too restrictive as death is the part of the natural order of things. Feed up with this, he left the orders and became a renegade.

Knowing full well the penalty for going rogue, he quickly allied himself with a powerful Wizard who also went rogue and created his own Order. For a time Magius was apprenticed to Galan Dracos and became his personal assistant and second in command of his armies. Galan Dracos had also promised to help Magius achieve his quest. Magius saw that in staying with Galan Dracos, he would fall along with him as Dracos was doomed to failure as any would be tyrant. So he defected.

However, one does not turn down the most powerful wizard on Krynn. Dracos sent his dreadwolves after him. However, Magius was clever enough to remember a long abandoned tower that Fistandantilas created on the isle of Cristyne. He hid their for some time making it his home, whether or not the great Archmage knew of the intruder we do not know. Eventually during the Third Dragon War he ran into his old friend Huma Dragonbane. He planned ti use Huma as a decoy and bait, for during his time in exile he realized that his vision during the test of high sorcery lay in the Last Gaard Mountains. There here was a rift in which a great treasure lay that Paladine had created, and that treasure would allow him to live on. However, when he realized that Rift only took Huma and he could not follow, he was remorseful that he had betrayed his only true friend. He pledged his loyalty to his friend and ask for forgiveness.

However, as they made their way to the Solamnic Army with the Dragonlance Huma had discovered they were attacked. They all fought valiantly, but Magius was captured and brought before Galan Dracos. Their he was tortured and broken for betraying Dracos. Furthermore he sent a vision to Huma showing Magius death.
He wracked body was sent dressed in white robes to Huma to further taunt and discourage the Solamnic Army. Magius spirit lingered in death, knowing full well what he predicted would be Draco's fall. At the right moment his spirits appeared with his staff and told Huma to smash the Emerald Orb of Chaos, ending Dracos' reign.

His legacy would live on and Magius would be remembered as one of the most intriguing wizards of the Order. His staff was kept in the vaults of the Tower of High Sorcery, until Lunitari gifted Raistlin Majere with the staff.

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