
Monday, October 11, 2010

Weird West: Deadlands

In an alternate timeline, sometime after the Civil War which ended in a stalemate, something went wrong. The manitous that were once held in check by the Native Americans were cut loss and started to wreak supernatural havoc all over the Americas. Weird things started happening, from things like the dead rising to unnatural creatures stalking the land. Far west in the Californian Territories,a great earthquake damaged much of the coast line. Those are just some of the few weird occurrences that took place.

Even stranger, it been reported that events from the future have echoed in the past.... as the problems will only get worse in the future and will bring "Hell on Earth" if not stopped now. There also seems to be a nexus somewhere out west, which can take people to another planet!

Dealing with railroad barons, pioneers, the Indian Nations, the Confederate States, and the Union are just some of the problems faces adventures in this version of the Wild West! The Campaign setting was originally developed by Pinnacle Entertainment, and then later converted to the D20 system, and finally exist in a format using the Savage Lands rule systems.

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