
Sunday, August 13, 2017

Gnomenheim Adventure Path 00: Part 2

Location: Zangar Mire outside Amberlight

Caleph and company made their way carefully through the mire, avoiding the natural hazards by staying close to a well traveled path through the fungal forest. All the while squawks made them nervous as they could here things darting around them but never coming within site. It came to Caleph's attention that some of these mushrooms might be useful. He soon spotted a few edible mushrooms that could be used for fermentation and cooking. The larger mushroom were probably used as lumber, as evidence from the duergar fort. Tyra recalled that some of the mushrooms would be valuable to some spellcasters and identified that many of the glowy mushrooms were, glowcaps! She began to stuff a bag full of them. The other party members had asked what she was doing....she shared this juicy bit of info and they likewise filled a pouch.

Gordok curious as to the taste swallowed one, he felt very relaxed and happy that he came along on the adventure. This was definitely fun.

As they continued them came to a section of the mire that seemed to have swiftly flowing outlet of water. A deep channels could be seen up ahead that the water flowed  over. What caught their interests was a group of cockatrice struggling to stay afloat as they were curried down the waterway, struggling against the undertow. There was a quick discussion on how much they could be worth and if they could be made into pets, but before the party could act upon anything they went under. Only a trail of bubbles was the only clue that they were there a few second earlier.

Curious as to where they came from, they followed the channel to a landing along the cavern wall. There was a large stone slab across the channel along the wall. At either side there were two archways some 15 feet high. They were thinking of swimming under the stone slab to see what was on the other side. Yet Konato took it upon himself to dimension door pass the archways hoping to find himself on the otherside. He soon discovered there was a canal here and a constructed tunnel with a channel. It was dimly illuminated with amber crystals along the walls and there seemed to be doorways and some bridges. He broke off a crystal and figured to use it as a key on the divet along the inner archway. The party was surprised when he opened he door and found themselves in some sort of settlement. The door closed with a thud.

Location: Ruins of Amberlight
Caleph and company were standing on the right side of a canal. A small walkway some 5 feet across were along either side of the canal. In the distance it could be seen that these walkways branched off into side passages and smaller canals  joined the main one was well. To be on the safe side Caleph cast water walk on them all, making sure that none would fall and be carried away by the swift current.

Meanwhile the Valen was consulting his tome on what to do about petrification. Fortunately he remember that his ability did allow him to cast a lesser restoration which would indeed cure Iaqino of his affliction. As soon the spell was cast Iaqino found himself in the 10 x 10 foot room again, experiencing Deja Vu as they were just in here...but he last remembered..... before this question could be solved a loud thud was heard outside in the canals. Geoff and Gloff stepped outward and prepared for the worst.

Geoff immediately found himself glowing green, Caleph and company had noticed him and managed to quickly pull of a defensive spell. Geoff and Gloff immediately recognized Caleph and called out. Valen immediately called out to parlay and talk things through.

Geoff and Gloff were trying to explain that they knew him, they were adventuring buddies. They had traveled with him for quite sometime and had been hired out to rescue some adventurers and clear out some duergar.
Caleph was taken aback as he would never sort with their kind, well at least by choice off hand, perhaps if they were useful, Geoff perhaps...but not a half-orc. Gloff quickly cast faire fire and surrounded Caleph in a purple glow. They also mentioned that their Caleph turned out to be some purple guy too, a doppleganger.

It was at this point it all made sense to him. Vespa would have never have left so discretely, she surely was lured away by this false Caleph and lead astray. She could be down here captured. This false Caleph could be part of a larger plot, after all he was a rather awesome druid. As he was lost in thought and talking out loud to some unknown force he lost concentration to his spell. He noticed everyone was starring at him. Gloff had dropped his spell too. Soon though the High Elven ranger started to exchange not so friendly words with the Wood Elf Druid. Tensions began to rise again, Konato bored had went on to explore some of the other rooms, in the first they had passed he found a library of books. Tanya, Gordok, and Enolo joined him. As they entered the room, both Caleph and the Valen claimed first rights, and soon another exchange of words took place. Tyra soon discovered a very dark secret of the settlement they were in. Apparently this library was the Quartermaster's Office of Amberlight..  

According to Ledgers of the Quartermaster of Amberlight.
-Contact with the surface dwellers was a welcome. A party of our sunlight cousins and dwarves have reached us. They were very impressed with our humble town. An enterprising gnome who was a founding member of an adventurer's guild wanted to conduct some trade with us. The elder is very excited to finally get some apples. We are all very excited by these new prospects!
-Receipt: Copy  for 10 bushels of apples, 12 music boxes, an astronomy chart,astrolabe, 14 cases of elven pear blossom wine. Exchange for 4 boxes of ambe rquartz, 5 boxes of sapphires, 25lbs of salt, 15 lbs of Various Glowcap. Elder is pleased.
-Our sunlit cousins have asked about some of the ores our clan has been mining the area for generations. They seemed disappointed, according to one of the dwarves whom I drank with they were originally on a field expedition looking for rich veins. Personally I am disappointed. It was true what my grandfather said about surface dwellers I guess.
-We have received a lot of plants, some of them are very pretty. They are in demand in our markets. This is definitely and improvement to the taste of mushroom. It seems on the surface they have a things called seasons that cause different plants to grow from time to time. We have been getting a good variety of stuff. People are happy.
-The duergar have attacked us once again. For years they have been curious about the increased activity along the caverns. Surface dwellers really make too much noise. King Rylosh has sent his ambassador to speak with the Elder. Their threats are hallow. We are blessed by the elements, the stones keep us safe.
Nothing will make us give up our apples!!! Especially when we found out they come in all sorts of colors and

-The Elder is confused. Trade had gone on for years now. There are no more apples all of a sudden. Our surface cousins want to know where the soft metals are. They have accused us on holding out. Honestly the surface dwellers are temperamental. I miss the apples."
-Elder Jasperblade is dead. The council is selecting a new Elder. As of today, we are giving reverence to him. May he return to the earth, and may the earth return him one day.
-I write this now as a record. Renarl has magically sealed the my office. A few survivors and I will be teleporting away from here soon. The earth elementals are doing their best to defend and ferry us away....deep...deep...deep underground. We thought they came to honor Elder Jasperblade, that sun-scorched leader of the adventurer's guild came. He was the one who wanted that useless ore, he demanded that we give him access to the ores. Do they not understand that the veins of the earth are our lifeblood? Gnomish death squads.... why would the surface dwellers have devices that are powered by the flames of their killer sun?

After digesting what they had  just learned, they decided to rest in this office. It was safe and secure for the time being.
Quest Goals to Accomplish Still
-Caleph and company will integrate the party with them. Hopefully they kind find some clue to Vespa and encounter uncover what the dopplegangers are up to.
-Valen has decided to tag along, it would give him a chance to hone his skills. He is likewise intrigued  to the plot that has unfolded.
-Iaqino, Geoff, and Gloff still have to fulfill their mission despite heavy party loses. They have an obligation to rescue the missing adventurers sent by the guild and clear out the duergar menace.

Total Party XP Awarded: 1,000 xp

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