
Saturday, August 12, 2017

Gnomenheim Adventure Path 00: Part 1

The Road Thus Far....

GM: Loren

Players: "Iaqino", "Geoff", "Gloff".
               "Caleph", "Enolo", "Gordok", "Konato", and "Tyra".
Missing or Presumed Dead: "Willow", "Yew", "Crash" and a "Khan".

Location: Miner's Chamber
The party had just defeated some duergar miners and a roper. As they had been through an exhausting series of events they all agreed to make camp and rest up. After looting the bodies, they disposed of them in the convenient pool of level at the end of the cavern. Iaqino (Tiefling Rogue), Gloff (Half-Orc Druid), Yew (Air Genasi Bard), and the Khan (Human Warlock) slept in a Tiny Hut that was evoked by the music of Yew. It was positioned to block an entrance to the chamber and remain opaque ensuring nothing could get in. Geoff (Goliath Barbarian) and Willow (Paladin of the Raven Queen) would sleep in the chamber. Willow would take watch allowing everyone to rest up.

As they recovered after a full nights rest, Geoff was the first to be awakened by a quick groan from the earth as pebbles rained down on him. It seems a cave in was occurring. Before he could react, the floor gave way spilling everyone further down into the earth. Yew's enchantment had expired during this and everyone tossed about.

Location: Community Hall of Amberlight

Geoff had landed with a thud and rolled down onto a cool stone surface. Behind him was a mound of rubble, the remnants of the mining chamber their were just in. As the dust settled he could easily see Iaqino and Gloff. Willow, Yew, and the Warlock were no where to be seen. A purple creature wearing Caleph's clothes was half buried under the mound, his lower half crushed by tons of rubble.

Before waking the others Geoff took it upon himself to explore where they were. He was in a constructed chamber some 100 wide x 150 long x 30 feet tall. There was pillar supporting the hall ever 20 feet, and at the very end was a Green Marble statue of a female gnome holding a golden bowl over her head as water cascaded down from the ceiling. Behind that was two sealed archways that were 15 feet high. Surprising the hall was light by amber crystal embedded along the wall providing ample light. He even walked to the statue and tested the water hoping for it to be magical.... it was just clean water. Yet he did discover the the fountain was above a grate that drained into a lower level some 40 below. Seeing that things were safe he slapped Iaqino and Gloff awake.

Iaqino and Gloff searched glance around for their other companions, and like Geoff assumed that they were buried under the debris and "didn't" make it. They were shocked to find out that Caleph was a creature similar to the one they had encountered before. They thought over how had this happened??? Could it have infiltrated the group in their sleep? Onward to there mission they put their losses behind and started looking for a way out. As they searched, the area had a weird smell. It smelled of soot. Iaqino had discovered that the archways were sealed some how and required a small diamond that fit into a depression on the side. Gloff and Geoff look toward the fountain and both thought to check the bowl. Sure enough there was a blue diamond shaped crystal.

They opened the left archway, immediately a cloud of soot and ash spilled outward. Iaqino quickly closed the archway again. They tried again with the other archway and the hallway was musty, but Iaqino could see at least a dozen figures move up and shuffle toward them. Again they quickly closed the door and devised a plan to take care of the new threat. They would create a barrier of flame and Geoff would smash the burning bodies to bits.

Location: The Mountain Caverns of Amberlight

In order to test his skill, Valen, a high elf ranger headed for the mountain north of Gnomenheim. There was a rumor about disappearing villagers who would return days later, any act kind of off and then just leave. Many family were broken as a result. Valen had an idea what could be behind the cause, this would be a way to prove his skill and merit. He had found a cave entrance high in the mountains, there were some human bones outside of it. This did not seem like a lair or the work of some animal so he descend into the cave. For days he wandered the maze of passages, avoid the detection of a duergar patrol lead by a dark elf. As he went deeper he he discovered the ruins of a Svirfneblin settlement. Here there was a meeting of several individuals, it peaked his curiosity that a variety of surface dwellers would be down he unprepared.
Yet when they came together they forms changed becoming purplish humanoids who spoke in a language he did not understand. He watched them for an hour until they resumed their alter ego and went there separate ways. He managed to track three down and dispatch them over the next couple of days as they kept to the ruins. He had found no evidence that this was their lair, but they had an interest in the area.

What attracted his attention was another sound of doors open and closing, he went quickly to investigate. He entered another charred hallway, and seems more of the undead gnomes were heading toward the sound as well. Having the advantage he waded into their midst and dispatched them rather quickly. The door began to open once more and he saw the silhouette of three figure in the archway at the end of the hall.
Location: The Open World
Months and weeks had gone by since Vespa (Dragonborn) was missing. She was a close friend of Celeph (Wood Elf Druid), who was heavy with heart that he had not heard from here. Despite the best efforts of the Druid Circle, they could not divine where or what had happened to Vespa. What was most troubling is that the eldest druid had received a vision....

"Vespa must be found. Key to a potential Great Calamity"

Caleph took it upon himself to search for Vespa. He explored where he thought she could be but could find no trace. He had met others and asked around and still no clue or trace could be found, even among the sages and magic-users. His heart was heavy as the last of his possible leads yielded no results. The curious thing is this town, people seemed to have remembered him. Some vaguely recalled a dragonborn in his company, others however said he was here many of a time on his own. The last time he allegedly visited her was just a few weeks ago. Apparently he joined a caravan that traveled to Gnomenheim. He quickly joined the next one headed in that direction. The journey was uneventful, but he had met some interesting companions along the way and offered to hire them for a quest. He felt it in his bones that he was so close and figured he might need the strength in numbers. His first choice was Tyra (Rock Gnome Bard), who seemed very booksmart and would come in handy. Enolo (Human Ranger) shared a respect for nature and could be a trusted companion. Gordok (Dwarven Fighter) seemed to be capable muscle. Lastly there was Konato (Human Void Mage) who seemed capable enough to provide extra fire power.

When the reached Gnomenheim several individuals admitted to seeing him at the tavern, some magical shops, and lastly at the adventurer's guild. Tyra was able to find out for him that indeed an elf who looked liked Caleph was here and traveled on a guild quest to a mine nearby. They gathered supplies and headed to the mines that were a days travel away.

Unbeknownst to them an elephant stabled at a local tavern had recognized Caleph and decided to follow them. Peanut had been missing Crash. 

Location: The Mine
Caleph's party had found the mine entrance. A paladin, named Glagg, carrying a sack was leaving the entrance and recognized Caleph. Excited they journeyed downward into the depths they were on the right path!
In the lower level of the mine they found some evidence of a skirmish, there was one tunnel that seemed to have been recently set ablaze. Another tunnel lead to an underground river that poured deeper and deeper into the earth. They followed it and even came to a ransacked duergar fort. The remains of several dwarves and purplish humanoid were found as well, the bodies mutilated. They were so close.

Having a dwarf in the party should prove useful, and that is why Caleph hired one. Gordok recommended  to follow a side tunnel, rivers were wet and overflowed. It was the safest bet. No sooner had they began to proceed down the tunnel a slight shift in the earth was felt and the tunnel collapsed. They were determined to go through the tunnel, but saw the uncertainty of the dwarf had. Perhaps not all dwarves were natural spellunkers. Seemed like they should follow the river.

Location: The Zangar Mire
The cavern had a strong flowing river going down the center of the cavern. Caleph's party followed the water until it came to another opening into a massive chamber of softly glowing light. They had just entered above fungal forest. They were some 40 feet above the forest, the water streamed down onto the cavern floor creating a seemingly shallow mire. Stair were carved into the stone some 15 feet wide that lead down to the cavern floor. The squawks of the creatures could be heard echoing within the mushroom forest.  Caleph and Enolo decided to go ahead. Caleph vaguely recalled what creatures could be making the sounds, but was not too sure. As they scouted ahead, Tyra recalled a story about a creature known as a cockatrice, it was known to dwell undergound and could potentially turn someone to stone. By themselves they were dangerous, but in a group they could be deadly. Konato used his magics to communicate with Calpeh alerting hom of the danger. They regrouped and decide to journey forth in a greater number hoping to pass without a trace and alert the wildlife.

Location: Community Hall of Amberlight
As Iaqino's party open the door and were ready to attack the zombies they began to hear the scraping of still and the sound of someone hacking their way through the zombies. When the door finally opened a elven ranger was their to great them with a heart triumph of victory. Geoff was extremely disappointed that there was nothing left to fight. Introductions were quickly made, and Iaqino and crew wanted to know if there was a way out. Valen let them know there were ruins beyond but he has been down here for days improving his skill. As they shared  the circumstance on how they both ended up here, Valen's interest was peaked when the mention of the purple humanoid was mentioned. Being somewhat familiar with these beings, he confirmed that their friend Caleph was indeed a doppleganger. Who know how long it could have been, even if its real name was Caleph. Intrigued Valen said he would be happy to accompany them and he could deal with them along the way.

They once again were faced with a decision of how to get out of here. They were going to again try the other archway. After opening it again, they better saw that the hallways was covered with at least and inch deep of soot. Valen had commented that the soot seemed to be the result of some gnomish/technological magic. It seem that soot and ash here may have been a great number of people that were incinerated here. After all while wandering the ruins he had come across some husks of gnomes, that when touched fell part at a touch into soot. They closed this archway.

Eventually it was decided to give the grate behind the fountain, the statue stood upon a grate which drained into a lower level. A hatch within the grate, had a visible shaft that went 40 down and a mithral ladder was attached to the wall. They attempted to open the grate, but it was rusted shoot. Each of them pulled, until the ranger with his grapple and the combined effort of everyone managed pop open the grate. As they went down they noticed another diamond shaped depression just under the grate.

At the bottom of the shaft was a 10 x 10 room with a wooden door. They cautiously took a step outside and saw a canal with swift cool water water. Like in the previous hall, there were amber crystals embedded in the walls to illuminate their way. As Valen said, this was once a settlement of deep gnomes that had been long abandoned. They decided to go up stream of the canal along a walk and found a small stone chest with a couple of iron maces. It seems this was a weapons lockers a guard would have had. As they were examining the small side passage, a flock of cockatrice appeared from another smaller passage and began to attack.

Valen managed to hit one with some bullets from his sling, unfortunately his sling had sailed along with the last bullet. Iaqino was hit twice by the pecking of the cockatrice, he began to stiffen. Gloff called upon the power of stone and sent thunderous wave energy along the floor. It knocked most of the cockatrice into a side canal and they were swept away. The last remaining cockatrice took the full furry of Geoff's blows as he had nothing to fight the entire time. There was only pulp left....and a permanent stain on the walkway from the powerful strike from Geoff. Iaqino did not farewell, as he turned to stone. They quickly regrouped to the room with the ladder and tried to figure out what to do next.  

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