
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Star Wars Adventure Path: Holonet News 03

An Important Reminder from the Imperial Press Corps

Citizens of the Republic, keep in mind that for the safety and security of the Republic that Trade and Travel Restrictions are currently enforced to the following system worlds. Please have all documentation on hand for verification and inspection. We expect your full co-operation, and apologize for any delays and disruption this may cause.

Cato Neimoidia - Nemodian
Devoran - Devoranian
Kellux - Nemodian
Mooga - Moogan

Expansion Region Systems
Kiros - Togruta
Umbara - Umbaran

Inner Rim Region Systems
Antar 4 - (Gotal, Gossam, Koorivar)
Kooriva - Koorivar
Onderon (Bivall, Human, Ithorian, Twi'lek)
Yag'Dhul - Givin

Mid-Rim Region Systems
Falleen - Falleen
Kashyyyk - Wookie
Ruusan - Listing Post

Outer Rim Regions Systems
Agamar - Human
Akiva - Akivan (Abednedo, Besalisk, Human, Ithorian, Koorivar, Sullustan, and Uugteen)
Dathomir - (Dathomirian and Zabrak)
Felucia - Felucian
Florrum - (Weequay, Nikto, Bith, and Jawa)
Geonosis - Geonosians
Iego - (Angel, Human, Ithorian, Kajain'sa'Nikto, Quarren, and Rodian)
Kadavo- Zygerrian
Karkaris - Karkarodon
Kaller - Kalleran
Mandalore - Human
Mahranee - Mahran
Merj - Morseerian
Millius Prime - Angel
Mon Cala - Quarren
Muunilinst - Muun   
Murkhana - (Aqualish, Chagrian, Gossam, Gran, Human, Koorivar, and Sugi)
Mygeeto - Lurmen
Raxus - Raxian (Gossams, Humans, and Siniteen)
Rodia - Rodian
Ryloth - Twi'lek
Scipio - Muun
Serenno - Human
Sullust - Sullusti (Human)
Utapau - Pau'an, Utai (Amani, Sug)
Vallt - Vallti
Vanqor - Gundark
Zanbar - Human
Zygerria - Zygerrian

Keep in mind that many systems are quarantined, designated as "Battle Zones" and "Separatists" sites of interest. Those locations are marked with sensor beacons, and are deemed unsafe for travel until further notice. These designated areas are patrolled by Republic Forces, and entry into such areas is a Republic Offense.

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