
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mario World

Nintendo's Flagship series has always been a favorite to play. Originally the franchise all started with his debut in the game Donkey Kong in 1981. In that game he had to save his girlfriend, Pauline,  from and escaped Gorilla, Donkey Kong (aka Crankey Kong). Once he was captured, Mario put Donkey Kong in a circus, but in 1983 Donkey Jr (Donkey Kong) rescues him from Mario. After this defeat, he started a plumbing business with his brother Luigi in the game Mario Bros, in which their was some strange creatures coming up from the sewer.

Then in 1985 the entire Mushroom Kingdom came to be in Super Mario Bros. Bascially the pipes lead them to another world where the Princesses of the Mushroom and Sarasaland where captured by King Bowser Koopa and Tatanga. From their the adventures in the mushroom kingdom exploded, with King Koopa being a recurring villian. Mario has stayed within this world for years, exploring everything, and plus he and his brother are more than juts plumbers here! They are world heroes! Yet other menaces have followed them, such as Mario's long time rival Wario and his brother Waluigi. Since then Mario has appeared in over 20 games, ranging from testris like game to racing games. The world of the mushroom kingdom has contactly grown and we find more and more about it. Most of the inhabitant are anthropomorphic creatures such as mushrooms, beans, turtles, mice, bombs, etc. It is a very odd plus and much like Lewis Carol's Alice in Wonderland series.

 If you are interested to play a Mario D20 game, a fansite has created a PDF which offers some guidelines.

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