
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Asian Locations: Dragonlance

On the world of Krynn "Dragonlance", there are no major Asian cultures found.However, a variant of the Mongolians can be found on the continent of Taladas. In Northern Hosk, among the Tamire.... there miles and miles of plains and steppe, broken up every once in awhile by mountain ranges that ring the Great Sea of Fire.
These people are wild and live off the land, a far different cry from most civilized Asian locations.

   It is here that five tribes of people live their life with the land. The Uigan are the dominant Horselords controlling much of the Tamire. The two smaller tribes, the Purgi and Pureshk, live as allies to the Uigan.
To the far north, another tribe of fierce warrior known as the Kazar, a migratory people that spend there time among the borders of the Panak Desert and Il-quars during the seasonal months of summer and winter.
High in the mountain are the Alan-atu, a herding society that has little contact with the people of the Steppe.

   The Uigan biggest rivals on the Steppes come from the Tamire Elves.Ulike the most known elves of Krynn, the Tamire behave in a very similar lifestyle to that of the Uigan and are fierce warriors. Even the Kagonesti would have trouble with identifying with them, since the cultures are so different. The Tamire and divided up into various tribes, each identified by a Spirit Totem (ex. Horse Clan, Tiger Clan, Wolf Clan).

The people of the northern steppe worship the same gods as most of Krynn. However, these deities are known by different names here. Chislev is called Jijin, Kiri-Jolith is called Qu'an the Warrior, Mishakal  is called Mislaxa, Nuitari is called Ne'Ugiar, Solinari is called Toyaqual, and Takhisis called Erestem. Both shamans and priest respect these powerful beings, but as they have remained silent since the cataclysm most are venerated out of tradition more than anything else.

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