
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Character Profiles: Ranvorfast Dal'marian

"'Elen sila lumenn omentilmo. Vanya sulie', A star will shine at the hour of our meeting. Fair Winds"
-Ranvorfast Dal'marian, Warrior-Skald and Master Scholar of Lindor

Ranvorfast Dal'marian is Warrior-Skald and Scholar hailing from the Land of Singers, the Kingdom of Lindon. He was born during the year of the Battle of Fornost in 1975 to Cephcelune and Kramdior of Forlindon. He early years were filled with the history and songs of his people, and he was gifted at high music. He was tutored by Walmast, a minstrel of renown who traveled the Gulf of Lhun. As the ages went on he served to bring word and news to the other elven refuges throughout Middle Earth as they made they journey to the West. He has served as escort and courier to many.

As fewer and fewer elves journeyed west, his pursuits turned to gathering the history and artifacts of the ages to take west and preserve them. He has met with countless people from all clans of dwarves, shirefolk, and humans. He has made studies of the rarer races as well from a distance. For the last hundred years he has been actively among the lesser races, living among them and occasionally bringing back and storing his finding back within Lindon. He has had many companions over the years, and has even chosen a few to study from birth to death. He has done his best to enrich his fellows as a mentor, a light hand who never influences but serves as support and guardian.

In the year 3016 while traveling home, he encountered the love of his life. Along the northern Ered Luin among the dwarves of Gondamon he met Lornoth Twohands, the adopted son of Helmackas Feldspar. Lornoth and his sister lived among the dwarves, as Helmackas raised them in part of a life debt. The two both knew the instant they met that they were fated. Lornoth has simple brushed up against him as they were making there way through the crowded market and the locked eyes. With Helmackas' permission, they Lornoth journeyed with Ranvorfast to Forlindon.

It wasn't until a few years later, that the dark stirrings in the east bought them fully back. Larnath, Lornoth's sister had sent word that they needed aid as they were traveling to Brockenborings within the Shire. Their "Uncle", Angzuko Fizzysalts, had received word that things were getting worse and the town needed aid. They journeyed to deal with an infestation of goblins who plagues the woods around Greenfields

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