
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Stars Wars Saga Adventure Path - Episdode II "Black Sun Rising" Part 01a

Secured Transmission from Agent Eshka......Suspected Anti-Republic Group Activity: R-90 and Roger, Jedi Talia, Padawan Wrabbler, Tizzit and Bob, Xol Dul, and Khorrahg'ga

Khorrahg'ga has been bust out of prison. Eshka had snuck on to the imperial star destroyer that he had been imprisoned on, and helped him escape, doing an elaborate series of hyperspace jumps with the Empire on their heels. Eshka has informed Khorrahg'ga that Darth Vader has killed Master Nu. On Coruscant, Nu had contracted Eshka to help her get to Holocron database in the former Jedi Temple. However, they ran into a new Lord of the Sith: Darth Vader. Once he became involved, it was clear that the mission was doomed to failure. Nu’s last wish: to spring Khorrahg'ga from prison and deliver him back to his ship. He is charged with the important task of warning Talia and Wrabbler. Nu’s last mission for them was to warn any other Jedi of Vader, the new Sith threat, to gather their strength so that they can fight to bring him down.

Khorrahg'ga stepped out onto the sand, recognizing his tick-ship landed outside a large, round structure. He made his way inside, finding Roger standing guard. Roger informed the party of the wookiee’s return, while Khorrahg'ga did a once-over on the ship’s systems. He was dismayed to realize that the ship was registered to Xol Dul under Imperial law. He scavenged a commlink from the cargo bay and contacted the rest of the group, who he had not heard from in some time. They were all enjoying a party inside Jabba’s palace, and mentioned that they had just killed a Rancor, and thus won Jabba’s favor. They came out to meet him to get him past the bouncer, and they entered the party. Meanwhile, Warbler had taken a few too many drinks for someone of his body weight, and decided to recover on the ship. Xol Dul had faded back into the shadows after the fight, and the rest of the group lost track of him. The remaining partygoers, having impressed Jabba, had been invited onto the sail barge, and thus, they boarded the vessel to continue the party. Drinks and merriment were had. The sail barge made its way out over to the pit of Carkoon. Jabba’s men threw an unfortunate aqualish smuggler into the waiting maw. Sometime thereafter, the group was summoned to speak with Jabba. Jabba offered them leads on a few Jedi bounties, with the client of course being the empire. He offered them this information with a caveat: if they turned in these bounties to the empire without giving Jabba his cut, the group would suffer the same fate as the aqualish smuggler. Bob asked Jabba about the possibility of dragons, of which Jabba did not know- however, he would pay handsomely for such a creature to be brought in alive. After some commiseration, the group agreed to accept the information given. Jabba gave mention of three leads: The aqualish smuggler had run into mechanical issue on his ship and crash-landed on the remote planet of Cophrigin V. He claimed to have been nursed back to health by a Jedi woman. However, he had exposed his glitterstim shipment to light, ruining it. Thus, he lost Jabba a lot of money and needed to be executed.

The second lead was for a young togruta, last seen on the agricultural moon of Raada. The group’s cut of the bounty for her death is 20,000, with 40,000 for her capture.

The last is general Rahm Kohta, who has been using hit-and run techniques with his battalion of clones. He was last seen on Saleucami, and the empire will pay for information which leads to his capture. Again Jabba reiterates that the group will be killed if he doesn’t get his cut. The party’s cut would be 50,000 credits in this case.

The group also asked if they could enter the lower levels of his palace when they returned, to which Jabba agreed. The protocol droid cautioned them not to break any jars.

The group had a few more drinks as the sail barge headed back. It was starting to get dark as they arrived back at the palace. The group headed down past the gammorrean guards, and ran into Obi-Wan. He mentioned that he had made contact with the monks in the lower levels, but he did not wish to discuss it in the palace. So, they reconvened on the ship. Obi-wan asked that R-90 do a sweep for recording devices, which he did. He also realized that Roger still had Eshka’s tracking device in him. Not sure if it would spy on them, they told him to sit in the cargo bay. Then, the rest of their group deactivated their comms. Obi-wan admonished the group for their rashness and lack of foresight or planning, He then mentioned that he had made contact with the inhabitants of the monastery: the monks of the B’omarr order. They shun materialism, and the higher members of their order have had their brains removed from their bodies, so that they can ponder the mysteries of the universe with fewer distractions. Khorrahg'ga relayed the message that Eshka told him to send.  Obi-wan disagreed with the sentiment, and encouraged the group to lay low, settle down somewhere, and start a moisture farm. Bob decided that this would be too boring; the rest of the party seemed to agree with this sentiment.

During this conversation, R-90 brought up the “balloon” that he had found on Bob’s unconscious body, and the fact that she had used force lightning. Talia and Obi-wan tried to discern the true nature of this object, and found that it was the crystalline heart. Obi-wan examined it, and it asked to cleanse him. He placed it down on the table, unnerved by it. Under normal circumstances, he would have it studied. However, he had a bad feeling about this object. He recommended that the party destroy it, much to Bob’s dismay. The party agreed to give the Heart to Obi-Wan, who told Bob that he would keep it safe. However, he intended to destroy it when he had the chance. Talia and Bob walked him to his speeder. Again, he encouraged them to lay low, but acknowledged that they might be too headstrong to heed him. He told Talia to get in touch if she made it back to Tattooine, got on his speeder bike, and drove off into the twin sunset over the dune sea.

The group took off and headed toward the first planet on the list: Cophrigin V. In Hyperspace Talia accessed the Holocron that Obi-Wan had given her. It was a hologram of Obi-wan, relaying the following message:

“This is master obi wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: trust in the force. Do not return to the temple; that time has passed, and our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged: our trust, our faith, our friendships. But we must persevere, and in time, a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you, always.”

They searched the planet with the force, and narrowed down their search for the Jedi. They set down and searched the jungle, and before long, they ran into a female human. The group discovered that she was the Jedi known as the Dark Woman. She had come to this planet in exile after Order 66. A smuggler had crash-landed his ship on her planet, and she had helped him escape offering parts of her own ship for him to salvage, stranding herself, but letting him escape. He had betrayed her location to Jabba, which is what led the party here. The party undertook a week of training under her tutelage, culminating in a tournament. Talia and Warbler now have the knowledge needed to construct their own lightsaber, though they lack the proper equipment.

The group offered to take her somewhere else, and she acquiesced. They dropped her on the mossy world of Lah’mu before heading to Saleucami. They used the force to try to get a feel for Kohta’s location, and they sensed a presence on the far side of the planet. They flew closer, and saw an imperial cruiser bombarding a small structure and the sands around it. They received a hail from the structure, and Kohta appeared on screen. He asked them to take out that cruiser’s shields, or at least distract it. Khorrahg'ga and the crew took the ship on a few strafing runs, taking out the primary shield generator. The structure moved beneath the sand, revealing a frigate, out of which multiple ARC-170 fighters scrambled. The cruiser deployed its complement of TIEs as well, and fierce combat ensued. The smaller force, with the help of the crew of the Tick Ship, managed to disable the cruiser’s engines, causing it to crash-land on the desert’s surface. The ARC-170s as well as the tick ship landed in the hangar of the frigate, which left the atmosphere and jumped into hyperspace. The party disembarked, and met General Rahm Kohta, and his clone troopers. He thanked them for their assistance and offered for them to meet his allies and join the fight against the Empire.

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