
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Known Realms: World of Aereth

The Known Realms was a campaign setting based upon the Dungeon Crawl Adventures published by Goodman Games. The planet is called Aereth, and it has just one moon that orbits around it. The world is filled with the standard typical races such as elves, dwarves, halfings, human, and gnomes. Human civilization is a mix between the northlanders (european), lost lands (arabic), Xanthous (asian), and xulmac (mayans). Magic is very previlant, and the world has been shaped by a very unique pantheon which has warred with eachother for countless centuries.

The developement of the world has each been shaped by an Age of Dragons, an Age of Sphinxes, an Age of Serpents (Yuan-ti), and lastly by an Age of Giants which gave way to the Age of Humans. The feel of this world is a mixing of cultures from the very ancient to those that are moving to an exploration period of science and arts. Many places exist as independent city states.

It is worth mentioning that a version of the City of Freeport, is found within the Known Realms. Although Freeport exisits on its own world . . .the mysterious pirate city has links to the World of Aerth as well.

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