
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

World of Freeport

A campaign world that mixes pirates, Cthulhu, and medival fantasy all rolled into one brought to you by Green Ronin. The campaign takes place on a group of isles known as the Serpent's Teeth. The history of Freeport has remained largely generic as so you can incorporate it into most campaign worlds.

What is known is that in the past there was a great serpent empire that worshiped some elder gods. They were eventually over thrown and the age of man flourished. Within the Serpent's Teeth, a group of pirates founded their own city. Their new city, it served as a hub were all cultures and intrigues crossed paths.
The threats of the elder gods are still present as more than one mariner has uncovered ancient and forbidden artifacts. Mostly notably the King in Yellow has a strong cult (Hastur of the cthulhu Mythos).

Magic and gunpowder are a common place among the pirates. Yet if the island chains is just to small of a place to go adventuring, the isles are officially located off the coast of the "Continent". At one time the human Empire of Hexworth ruled most of the continent, but it was eventually broken up into smaller nations. The Ivory Ports (a loose collation of five city-states), Kizmir (arabic), Rolland (Europeans), Tagmata, and Vorizar (dwarves) now control most of the continent.

The City of Freeport can also be found on the wolrds of Onara (Arcanis) and Aereth (Known Worlds).

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