
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Famous Spellcasters: Al'kabor

Name: Al'kabor
World: Norrath aka "Everquest"
Spells: Fire Spell, Force Spiral, Frost Spiral, Inferno, Retribution, Shock Spiral, Velium Chill, Vengence, and Wrath.
Magical Items: Cap of Binding, Fine Silken Cord, Impenetrable Mask, Pendant of Protection, Propylon of the Nexus, Ring of Truesight, Scepter, Rune, Thickener.

One of the greatest living wizards of Norrath is Al'kabor, an Erudite wizard of great renown. He is most famous for cataloging and putting together the most complete collection of spells and magical items known on Norrath. He has a personally quest for immortality, in which he hopes he can achieve.

Although he keeps to himself most of the time and consumed with research in his secret laboratory, he has a network of of associates who keep him informed of what goes on beyond his lab as well as providing him with materials and reagents he needs. He has also be known to accompany some of the most notable individuals on quests of great or scholarly importance to him (most of the time it will solely becuase a certain piece of lore or a rare component can be gathered by this). Al'kabor is like most wizards who spend far too much time in their labs and obsessed with their hunger for knowledge.

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