
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Famous Spellcasters: Severus Snape

Name: Prof. Severus Snape
World: Earth aka "Harry Potter"
Spells: Langlock, Muffliato, Sectumsempra, Vulnera Sanetur, and the non-verbal version of Levicorpus and its counter-curse.

Severvus Snape is a famous wizard in the Harry Potter universe who has some dubious alliances. He is Master Potioneer and Wand Duellist, and expert in Legilimency, and a master of the Dark Arts and Occlumency. He has taught at Hogwarts for many years as Potions Master and Head of the Slytherin House, then as the Defense Against the Dark Arts Instructor, and the then finally Headmaster of the school. He was also a founding member of the Order of the Phoenix. He claimed the title the "Half-Blood Prince"

What is known of his younger days, he was born to a full blooded witch and a muggle father who abused him. In the small town he lived in her happened to encounter Lily Evans. He recognized, like he had magic flowing within their veins and befriended her.
When he attended Hogwarts, he was sorted into the House of Slytherin. His friend Lily was sorted into House Gryffindor. While at Hogwarts he would be picked on and harassed by James Potter and Sirius Black. He was a very brilliant and talented student, and was recognized (feared) by many as a master of the dark arts at a very early age. It was during this time that the first Wizarding War broke out. He joined the Order of the Phoenix and worked as a double agent on behalf of Dumbdledorf and infiltrating the Death Eaters.

Over the course of the next few years, he was always doubted were his loyalties lie due to his time within the Death Eaters. The only one who had believed in him was Dumbledorf, and new truly where Snape's heart and loyalty lay. Sadly in the end as he did his best to follow Dumbledorf instructions, he was killed by the Dark Lord as it was beleived he was the master of the Elder Wand.

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