
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Asian Locations: 7th Sea

On the world of Theah, in the far east several Asian nations exist. They are located along Ussura's eastern coast, separated by the are behind a natural border of the Eastern Great River which connects the Mirror Sea with the eastern ocean known as "Corridors of Flames". Furthermore, the Corridors of Flame and the Great River are itself part of the Wall of Fire.

Cathay is one of the earliest civilization on Theah, and influenced the development of the Crescent Empire and had frequent contact with Ussura. Although around 760 AV, a massive wall of flames appeared along the great river that separated Cathay from Ussura. These magical flames trapped some of the natives of Cathay outside their homelands. Most attempted to return across the Mirror Sea, but any travel was harsh.

Cathay is unusual as an Asian location, as it incorporates the peoples from the middle east as well. The nations of Tashil and Tiakhar are reminiscent of India and Sir Lanka. Although these are not true Asian locations, they are mentioned since they pay tribute to Han Hua.

Cathay is made up of several nations, some of them mirror many cultures of Earth. Each nation owes allegiance to the nation of Han Hua, who has collectively kept Cathay together over the centuries. Although there have been internal conflicts, Han Hua has maintained peace over the centuries and its' rulers are responsible of creation of the Wall of Fire.

Han Hua
The largest nation of Cathay, is currently ruled by the Celestial Empress Wu Shang Fon. The nation is much like China. It's people are lucky to live in area of great fertile plains and sweeping forests, feed by the Huang He river. Much of the land is used to feed the many citizens of the Empire. It also boasts rich fishing villages and maintains a large supply of ships since it touches both the Mirror Sea and the Corridors of Flame. Although many have not sailed beyond the flames, they ship are used to sail to the southern nations as needed.
Han Hua is one of the most influential centers of Cathy. 

The northernmost point of Cathay is home to some of the highest mountains in the world.
Here the kingdom is ruled by their spiritual leader, High Lama Kunchan Choden. The people of Khimal are similar to that of Tibet and Nepal.

This kingdom is located in the forested areas between Khimal and Xian Bei. It's ruler is
King Kyu Hwang Bae. The people and lands here are similar to that of ancient Korea.

Xian Bei
These plains and deserts are home to the horselands, and is found north of Han Hua. The people and cultures here are similar to that of Mongolia. Before the Wall of Fire sprang, the Xian Bei were some of the first people to explore the western half of Theah. Many of their tribe were left to wander Ussura and Crescent Empire after the Wall of Flame was erected. Even within Cathay, Xian Bei has proven a tough nation to tame. Their current ruler is Khan Dalan-Tai.

The small nation of south of Han Hua, is ruled by King Suraphand and Queen Vidura. The nation was once one of the largest explorers, sailing as far as the Crescent Empire. Their lands are filled with rain forests, feed by two great rivers from the mountain to the south.They are reminiscent of ancient Siam.

Tashil and the Island nation of Tiakhar are located at the tip of southern Cathay.
As described, the people and cultures of this land are very similar to that of India and will be covered in another article.

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