
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Famous Spellcasters: Stellerex

Name: Stellerex
World: Unknown, but currently in Ravenloft
Spells: None
Magical Items: Belt of Levitation

Stellerex is a wizard of some power that was drawn into the mists of Ravenloft.
As an apprentice, he served under a greedy magician of moderate skill, Stellerex absorbed all that the man could teach. His intellect was far superior to that of most men, and he was able to master the complexity of the black arts with surprising ease.He realized that his master was a handicap and so turned on him by burning him alive with a spell of his own creation.

Since the, he has trained with magicians and then destroying them whenever they’ve taught him all they could. This has been Stellerex’s pattern ever since and his dark genius guides him through his life.His brilliance and discipline have saved him many times from beings far more powerful than he. Cold, calculating and ruthless, Stellerex is a very dangerous foe.

However the circle of spellcasters grew small of whom he could be apprenticed and allied to. He had made many enemies and had no allies, with no options left he attempted a planar travel spell. At first he thought he was simply passing through the ethereal plane until he set foot within Ravenloft. He quickly soon discovered that this world sadly lacked other spellcasters of any true potential, plus the realm itself was peculiar toward magics. His ears caught wind that the lord of the realm of Sithicus, needed skilled mercenaries and was offering substantial payment. He soon found himself amidst a group of villains and scoundrels in the Throne Room of Lord Soth. He task was to eliminate Lord Stahd Von Zarovich of Barovia. Lord Soth had confirmed that Strahd was a powerful vampire lord which was beyond his abilities to defeat. Yet he saw opportunities to exploit his fellow mercenaries, for surely some of these simple minded fodder could be used allowing him to learn more about the land and receive the spoils of victory.

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