
Monday, February 18, 2013

Asian Locations: World of Warcraft

   The island of Pandaria was once part of the super continent that broke off during the Sundering. The islands terrain is rather rocky, sporting numerous mountains and plateaus. The southern and eastern regions are home to dense jungles and thick forests. The Northern and central portions are dominated by two mountain ranges, between them are plains and valleys were the land is blessed for farming. The western regions though were heavily scarred by the Sundering leaving jagged isle that are hundred of feet above sea level. To the north of main island, a titan refuge was sparred destruction and became known as the Isle of Giants. This island lay partially within the mist, and is one of the only areas that were exposed to the outside world.

   The history of Pandaria echoes back to the time of the Titans and their wars with the Old Gods. The Watcher, Ra-den, put here created the Mogu. These servants of living stone, like other titan creations helped shaped the southern portions of Azeroth. Like so many others after the defeat of the Old Gods and the departure of Titans, the Curse of Flesh struck the Mogu. They soon became flesh and blood. Like the Earthen who became the dwarves, and other titan  creation who became giants, vrykul, and Tol'vir soon had to adjust to a mortal life. The Mogu took it upon themselves to use the knowledge and power of their creators to ensure their dominance. They soon began carving out empire for themselves in southern Azeroth.

   The founding of their land was built upon the backs of some of the younger races: Hozen, Pandaren, and Jinyu. These races were enslaved by the Mogu and forced to build their great cities across the land. Their biggest threat came from the northwest as the Aqir threatened their new kingdom. A group known as the Mantid sat just along their borders, and because of this one of the greatest structures post-Titan era was built: the Dragon's Spine. This wall served as a great blockade from the looming threat. Fortunately for the Mogu, the Aquir were pre-occupied with the Trolls. The Mogu ruled for years, and as their mastery grew they created new races to serve them. The Saurok were created by them to be their taskmasters, frightening lizard men. The Grummle came to be from a group of Troggs that tunneled to far into the Mogu Empire.

   After centuries of Mogu rule the Empire came to end with the Great Rebellion in 12,000 BDP. The peoples that the Mogu had enslaved rose up. The Mogu even called upon the Zandalari as their allies to fight, but they were overwhelmed. Soon they began rebuilding and for the next 2,000 years built up the Pandaren Empire. Leadership of the land changed hands between the three races, each contributing to ell being of the civilization. They even made contact with the Highborne in the north, enriching their respective cultures.
Sadly though the corruption of the Highborne and disrespect for the land soon drove a wedge between the nations. With a few years as one leader fell into decadence, the last Emperor of Pandaria ascended. Knowing a great calamity was to befall the nation, a powerful Hozen known as the Monkey King and the August Celestials encouraged the last Emperor Shaohao to purify himself. In doing so he sealed away the lingering powers of the Old Gods and protected the lands from the Great Sundering. As the world was thrown into chaos and turmoil, the ritual he used to spare his people and country also encompassed a portion of an Aqir stronghold holding the Mantid and tribes of Tauren known as the Yuangol.

   For the next 10,000 years Pandaria would be cut of from the rest of the world surrounded by a mystical barrier of mists. The Monkey King who had promised Shaohao that he would protect the land enacted a ritual which turned the remaining Mogu into Jade, which also trapped him. The only threat were the Saurok, who vowed vengeance all. It was within a few decades that one Pandaren would do the unthinkable. He would leave the island. This young Pandern named Lui Lang set of on a journey to see what befell the world after the Sundering. Soon every five years he came back, and this was becuase of his turtle Shen-zin Su. As the story goes, turtles can instinctively return to their place of birth which made perfect sense in bypassing the protective barrier. His stories encouraged other to come along with him. As they traveled Shin-zin Su grew and grew, and soon was big as a small island. With Lui's last visit to Panderia, he gathered supplies that would ensure the growth of a small community that would be built on the back of a Great Turtle. For centuries this was the only way people could travel to and from Panderia and wander the seas of the world, and as the turtle grew in age the visits became less and less frequent to its place of birth.

   Recently the biggest impact came in the form of the Cataclysm. Deathwing's rampage around Azeroth interfered with the effectiveness of the mists around Pandaria (Although it actually it may have been the death of Malygos since many ley lines were re-routed). The barrier no longer steered beings away in confusion, but allowed them to pass through. Most notably the first to pass were the Zandalari who fled the destruction of their homeland, and they began waking the Mogu. Worse the Alliance and Horde discovered the island by accident and brought their war with them. Somehow by fate Shin-zin Su, by extension would be discovered by the Alliance/Horde as an Alliance ship crashed into its shell.

Religion   Like others parts of the world, the races of Pandaria venerate the ancients. In particular they worship a group known as the August Celestials. These four are Chi Ji the Red Crane, Niuzao the Black Ox, Xuen the White Tiger, and Yu'lon the Jade Serpent. Although not an Ancient by right, those on the Wandering Isle give reverence to Shin-zin Su as well. Geomancer and Monks gather under these Ancients and learn their teachings.

The Jinyu however practice a unique form of faith. They claim that everyone is connected by water, and they can tap into the "Song". To them water hold deep secrets, gives life, and also can give death.

The last major faith is that of the Old Gods. The Mantid still hold reverence for Y'Shaarj, an Old God destroyed by the Titans. His essence was in fact scattered and became the Sha. A corruptive influence that can be magnified by emotion of Anger, Despair, Doubt, Fear, Hatred, and Violence.

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