
Friday, February 15, 2013

Spellcasting 101: Novices in Training Part 1

   When it comes to learning about magic there are several ways in which a talented individual can do so.
Many individuals on most worlds as we know are either apprentices or students of an individual or institution in which they a instructed in the ways of sorcery and the secrets of wizardry. In most cases senior wizards pass on the tradition and secrets of their craft to a younger generation, in which perhaps new discoveries can be found or exploited by those with fresh ideas on the old ways. Institutions of Magic are usually an indication of a society and culture were magic is accepted for the most part, as it provides a community of spellcasters that in theory have learned to share their knowledge and bring about a consistency to the art. Apprentices on the other hand learn directly from there tutors, and there education varies... sometimes excelling that of on institution of magic, but more often than not just falling short of mediocrity.

   The Empowered are more often than not sorcerers and other individuals who have gift of magic. This can either be innate or invested in an individual. They often learn how to control and manipulate the powers within themselves over time. Much of this is through trial an error, and it is mostly through feeling. Unless they actually have a tutor, many of them simply go about their daily lives while having a talent for magic.  

   Like the Empowered, the Untrained are individuals who individuals who come to learn how to practice magic on there own. They are usually clever individuals who manage to find a spellbook or other piece of arcane knowledge and figure out how things work. However, more than likely they become experts of what they have access to. Very few go beyond what they already possess, and those that do have a hunger for knowledge. This can be a blessing as they are no preconceived notions or bias which can be passed down, as the only limits are there ingenuity and imagination.

  Lastly there is the Initiate. This title may indicates an individual who will be practicing divine magics for the most part, but please note their are certain arcane societies that shroud the practice of magic through ceremony and rituals. An initiate tutelage is conditional, as it is matter of both faith and belief. Knowledge is passed down as the initiate retains good standing within the organization and shows sincerity in the teachings that are passed down. Depending on the institution, there may be a lot of taboos regarding training and practice. Divine spellcasters are empowered by their deity, and as such means the magic that they practice can be lost. They retain all their training, but are unable to access the power if their is an issue of the loss of favor. Arcane spellcasters who lose favor are stripped and barred access to knowledge, forcing them to look elsewhere.

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