
Friday, November 10, 2017

Stars Wars Saga Adventure Path - Episdode I "The Crystalline Heart" Part 02c

R-90, Aryn, and Oshua had finished there business with Kenner and headed back to the Barbary Coast to meet with the others. Zhato meanwhile was gracious enough to let his new "employees" think about his offer.
Either way they were in a big dilemma, they needed to get of Coruscant and quickly. Some decided to go shopping, while other decided to stay and enjoy what the Barbary Coast had to offer courtesy of Zhato.
Nox decided perhaps her could arrange transport, he knew of a guy who knew of a guy who knew of a guy who could possible get him a ship. So they made arrangements to meet a Hutt named Ziro within the hour.
The group was surprised when they  encountered the new an enhanced R-90. Kenner had used what was readily available and put together 4th Degree B1 Battle Droid frame with an BD-3000 Pleasure Droid Skin.
Kenner was able to incorporate all the interesting "components" that he found, and this customized frame had a more pronounced hood and trunk on more sturdier legs. It was also very shiny with hints of metallic red and polished steel. The only odd thing was the Kenner did not feel that he had to upgrade R-90's voice modulator. As he and the other were walking down to the Barbary Coast, he got many looks and even made some other BD's envious.

Nox let the others know that he had an individual they could meet and possible get a ship, one that would let them loose of Zhato's grip. They agreed to meet with Ziro in the lounge. It was something they did not quite expect, especially when they found out that Ziro managed to book himself a thirty minute set. Indeed this was the infamous Ziro the Hutt, a known criminal who was thought to have been assassinated sometime ago.
Ziro performed his cabaret number for the patrons at the lounge, all the while gaining valuable Intel on Nox and his friends. Ziro was a master manipulator, as he was entertaining his people were finding out everything about Nox and how much they were worth. Nox open up negotiations about getting a ship, but Ziro new they had nothing and were desperate. He also knew these were wanted men and their was a price on their heads. Sadly his informants also indicated that Zhato had him under protection. Ziro was just going to toy with them until he had a better handle on what to do. He knew he could make a few extra credits and stir some trouble by sending a holo-recording of  the meeting to Zhato. This would be fun for Ziro.......

As expected the meeting was a bust and the party retired for the night to one of the luxury suites. Over the next couple of day they relaxed and stayed in. The news was still going on about finding the terrorists responsible for the apparent murder of "Sam" and the slaughter of the Gobbers in the Hydro-Thermo junction. Concrete information was hard to as most of the data was corrupted, some even speculated there was inside help in this act of terrorism. Y'laxal was already under investigation, as the Gobbers were seen at several of her establishments. She commented that "The Nature of her clients business are their own. I am only her to facilitate in a manner to forget their troubles". Many seemed to believe these Gobbers were perhaps the same species of that of the former Master Yoda of the Jedi Temple. Their appearance was similar, and rumor began circulating that the Gobbers appearance and activity were proof of the Jedi's overall corruption and he was a puppet master from afar. Meanwhile R-90 had made a few credits on the side, trying out his new form, and he was quite popular.

After their rest Zhato had summoned them to his meeting room once again. This time however Ziro was their with him having a martini with the biggest grin on his face. Zhato was visibly, but coolly upset. With his usual style he lorded over the individuals in complete control. He was offended that he would be double crossed, Zhato had a code of his own that he upheld. All they were technically hostage, their were treated as guests in his establishment. He bought Nox's captain once again and executed on the spot as an example of what would happen if they betrayed him. He told them that his offered still stood, he wanted the Padawans lightsabers, but Oshua and the other talked him down in an exchange for a few Khyber crystals. As their bargain was struck he informed them the next day they would be leaving.

Zhato being who made a big announcement of his departure, he even dressed R-90 a bit up and made sure all the attention was on "her"...being the new star of Ziro show at the Barbary Coast. There was a convoy of enclosed vehicles ready to take the group and Zhato away. Zhato's vehicle of course had all the fish where he simple sat in and meditated as they left, and the Padawans joined him. The rest of the group was in the smaller vehicle ahead. Zhato had made arrangement for three convoys to be heading out from the Barbary Coast. Two headed through the backways and one went directly for the transport deck. The Gobbers had ambushed two of the Convoys. The one that made its way to the Transport Deck was attacked by a number of Scrap Droids and Gobbers. Zhato's attache's and female guards managed hold off most but were all killed in a devastating attack that made the Holonet News. The other one was followed to the rail transports, but not attacked at all. It eventually left to the upper level and the outskirts of the city to an abandoned industrial facility. Their Zhato had a BD-3000 were seen boarding a transport vessel. The Gobbers were gonna track an ambush the vessel once out of Republic Space. The last convey, heading to a warehouse district was ambushed by Gobbers, they took out the front driver. However even though they surrounded the convey they did not expect the Padawan Talia. Before anyone else could even re-act she took out 2/3 of the ambush forces. The people around on the crowded streets only can recall the explosion from the front vehicle then a series of flashes as Talia cut each Gobber down. Before the group could get off any second shot she managed to finish them all. They all quickly got into the final vehicle with Zhato and left to the warehouse.
It seems they escaped the Gobber ambush and were safely underway from the Republic.     

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