
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Stars Wars Saga Adventure Path - Episdode I "The Crystalline Heart" Part 06b

L began speaking with the wookies and was rather surprised that they spoke and understood basic.
He went to go to the local tavern, although the village was small, it served also as a stop for fisherman along the coast. Several other wookie villages could be found on some of the other surrounding islands, and they often came in to trade as the village had many mainland supplies they needed. This day a few wookies were in the tavern. Most had run off with the Doctor to go and look at the ruins. L asked the bartender what he thought of Captain Tor. The bartender named "Steve" said that the Captain challenged their wookie chieftain and won, and the Togorian was now their leader, although he didn't trust the insects he bought with them. "Steve" also said that Captain Tor also bought technology to the village, and many where benefiting from what he salvaged from his crashed ship. L asked if there was any sort of ship or transports he could buy, as he needed to find a human by the name of Marek. "Steve" had no idea who Marek was and informed L that he was the first human he saw. He told him to go to the stables and they would be able to help him out. Before L left he also asked if he knew were they took the droid. "Steve" said that "Joe" probably was tinkering with it, as he was the local smith and technician. Wrabbler stayed at the bar and kept an eye out on
Sarah J. Smith and her droid along the beach. Since she said her friend had a ship, perhaps this Doctor fellow could help out.

Meanwhile outside the village the three Neohons made their way to the crash site of Xol Dul's ship. They immediately started picking at the wreck that was laid out among a huge crater. Xol Dul could hear them yell out "Junk", "Worthless", "Badly Damaged", and "Nope" as they checked the site for anything of value or use.
Xol Dul likewise went about looking for somethings as well, He was able to find some personal items, but nothing else really. The Neohons were surprised they had followed them when he allowed them to notice is presence. He had stealthy hid in the tall grass following them from behind, and even within the wreckage of his ship he was able to go about without hem being noticed. He informed them that this was his ship and his property, if they found anything of value it was his. They instantly told him that they found nothing as they were intimidated by him. Since there was nothing more to see they headed back to the village.

L was having some trouble explain to the stablemaster that they needed a ship. He said that the ship they had only sailed on water, but they did have a cart they could use. L attempted to buy use for transportation, but the Wookie was confused with the concept of credits, but would give him the cart or the use of the sailing vessel for five Medpacs. After securing Transport he went to go and see how R-90 was fairing. "Joe" had already disassembled R-90 chassis, they were working on him as best as possible. They were taking him apart and Roger was monitoring their progress. "Joe" let L know that they were trying to figure out how a Droid works and they would get back to him. Roger let L know that he would stand guard as long as possible to make sure R-90 was not damaged. However, being that there was no suitable energy source to repower him he would conserve his remaining energy during sleep mode should he have to re-charge R-90.
L went back to check on Sarah and Tizzit. Sarah and her droid seemed to have disappeared. Xol Dul came back with Noehens and let them know that they were trying to salvage the ship.

As the sun started to set, the wookies managed to get their fortified wall powered. The soft hum of an electrified fence could be heard, it was something that Captain Tor provided for the village to repeal any attacks from the local wildlife. The wookies still lit their torches, and it seemed they were observing a local custom. As the group asked, they found that the wookies no longer spoke "basic" and had to use their translators. The wookies were throwing a feast to observe "Lifeday" and the group was invited to participate. Everyone in the group, except for Tizzit went to the feast. Tizzit had a date with Jah'hn. Captain Tor as being the new leader of the village was given tribute and the best and biggest portions of food to enjoy. The wookies were extremely hospitable sharing tender cooked meats and stewed fruits and vegetables. They exchanged simple gifts with one another and all had a pleasant time; singing, dancing, and enjoying the food.
PK-17 was asked by Jah'hn to prepare a meal for Tizzit and himself. Although PK-17 was more accustomed to exterminating pests, his programing did recognize non-humanoid species and was aware of their dietary needs. That night he made one of the most tasty meals in along time, wood pulp that was sauteed in some Edean fruits with alcohol, and some sugary meal with local grains and leafy greens. Tizzit and Jah'hn enjoyed eachother's company, he was very interested in her species and talked the night away.

The next morning a young wookie woke up L and the group. Xol Dul being the only one with a working translator informed the group that his uncle had let him told him to sail them up the coast to where L thought Marek would be. The pontoon was sturdy enough to carry PK-17,  as the young wookie told them that the boat was used for fishing. Several strong wookies usually went aboard and they caught some monstrous fish that they would bring back. The seas here were shallow and calm, the deepest reaching only 50 feet or so and you could see the bottom through the crystal clear waters. That day there was a good wind and they were able to to sail up the coast with no problem. L did his best to focus on Marek, but for some reason he could no longer sense him. The last vision he got was of Marek and another woman. It took most of the day, but a few hour before sunset they made it to the inlet to where they would need to sail up.The titanic wroshyr tree here were heavy and thick, their limbs formed a natural canopied tunnel over the mile wide inlet. It was hard to tell if this was a river or another section of islands that were just connected via the enormous trees.
The water here was cool and murky, and very much like a mangrove swamp. Other plant life flourished along the high ways of limbs, and the sounds of various insects and some other great wildlife could be heard coming from the shore. As they sailed on L could sense a darkness beneath the water, a darkness that started out as a whispers, then joined into a chorus of soft voices. He soon heard the words "Slay them all. They know. Slay them all before it is too late.". L did his best to push these voices away, this area was filled with the darkside of the force. Even Wrabbler could feel the unnatural chill, but the other seemed not to be bothered or unaware of the darkness reaching out from below and above. As they passed they darkness they all soon saw the town up ahead, as two boats came racing toward them. The patrol notified them that this was the town of Omhar'hawll. Unlike the wookie village of Grawh'wahlwahl, this town was very modern.

Marek's home of Omhar'hawll.
During the Clone Wars Kento Marek was a Jedi Knight, but fell in love with a woman from Talus named Mallie. They were secretly married, but when she became pregnant they fled. As the war progressed they hid and had a son named Galen. Toward the end of the Clone Wars, when Order 66 was issued and the Jedi were attacked they made plans to hide on Kashyyyk. They moved to Omhar'hawll and served as medics in the town, Mallie was pregnant with their daughter. They had only been here for a couple of months and mad fast friends, tending to other wookies villages in the surrounding villages. However, Kento began sensing that someone was reaching out to him from far away. He had heard rumors while traveling to Kashyyyk, that the Emperor had begun to assemble a special task force to find any remaining Jedi and their allies. He did his best to close himself off. A few days ago, he felt that pull of the force even stronger and it seems someone was actively hunting him. It wasn't until yesterday that he became really worried when that pull was only a few hundred miles away.

The group had only arrived within hours of Kento sensing them. L and the other immediately went about asking around for a human named Kento. Most wookies did not know of him, but were intrigued by the strangeness of Wrabbler and Tizzit. They soon split up to make up better time. The young wookie who had sailed them up here was amazed by the wonders of this town. He soon wandered off himself to see everything he could while his boat was docked. The group got supplies as they looked for Kento, fortunately for them at one of the shops someone did mention to Xol that there was a human in the town. He gave them directions and they soon headed over to see Kento. L could no longer sense them, but they entered his home anyway. It looked like it had been ransacked in a hurry. After asking some neighbors if they knew what happened, one wookie let them know that she saw them pack up there things in a hurry and just leave. They headed for the dock-ports with a look of concern or some discomfort. The only useful thing L could find was a lightsaber that was hidden in the dresser. He reached out and only could sense the pregnant woman in Kento's company, his wife Mallie. They headed quickly to the dockports to only find that there was no ships at the moment. The worker there let them now that they rented small vessels and a general transport would be here within the hour to shuttle to any nearby villages. They headed back to the docks, hoping they could sail toward Kento since L did have a strong tie to Mallie now. Unfortunately the young wookie was nowhere to be found. 

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