
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Stars Wars Saga Adventure Path - Episdode I "The Crystalline Heart" Part 07a

Imperial Press Corp Field Report......
Suspected Anti-Republic Group Activity: R-90 and Roger, Khorrahg'ga, Jedi Talia, L, Padawan Wrabbler, and Xol Dul,
Not Sighted:  Tizzit and Bob, PK-17 (Scout Labor Droid)
Meanwhile on Bothuwi, Khorrahg'ga had just returned back to the Jedi Sanctuary after a few transport jobs. It was mostly hauling cargo within the Bothan system that had paid well enough over the months that he could afford his own ship. Talia had been training hard as she took further instruction as a Jedi Knight. No longer a Padawan, she began her advance training while touching some of the younglings the basic of the force. She had noticed that the other were gone for a few days, and thought perhaps that Master Nu sent them on an errand of some sort. As she met with Khorrahg'ga, a young Padawan had a message that Master Nu wanted to see them both. She didn't have much time to ask the details of his time away, but was glad to see him.

They went into Master's Nu underground stronghold. She had converted much of it to be a repository of knowledge just like the Jedi Temple. Her and other worked tirelessly to rebuild the archives. They concentrated first on the essentials, but there was a lot that was missing. Many artifacts from the Temple were still locked way in vaults. She could only hope that none would be able to unlock there secrets. It was a shame since many holocrons from the ancient Jedi master would offer valuable wisdom at this time. As Talia and Khorrahg'ga approached, she slowly turned her chair to great the. She had developed a an odd habit of doing that late, which unnerved many who visited.
She looked more ancient than she did before, as the stress of rebuilding the order weighed on her shoulders. "Master Talia and Khorrahg'ga, it is good that you have come. I have news of your companions", she eyed them with intent seeming to look for any hints of emotion. "I had sent them on an errand a few days ago in hopes of re-establishing contact with a Jedi named Kento Marek. My contacts seemed to indicate he was last seemed in the Kashyyyk system and I sent them there", she continued as Khorrahg'ga seemed to perk up at new of his home world. She looked at them with deep concern, "It seems that they have not checked in. Perhaps you could look into this? I am sure Captain Khorrahg'ga is familiar with the system no doubt and would be helpful in case something has happened." Talia assured Master Nu that they would leave right away and find out exactly what had happened. They attempted long range coms, but nothing came up. Talia reached out with the force and could sense at least they were alive and on Kashyyyk. As soon as possible they both made preparations  to leave, entering the coordinates and entering Hyperspace.

Captain Tor was furious with Shawni, Galle, and Megahn. The Trilani had cost him his ship and most of the crew. What was worse he lost the new droid that made some great food. It went off with the Kel Dor and his group. It seems the Trilani were intent in accessing the ruins, and there were Jedi with the Kel Dor that could do it. He expected a double cross from the Trilani and order his Wookies to hide the other droids that these Trilani were interested in R-90 and Roger. Shawni arrived back at the village and informed him that the Kel Dor's group had sealed themselves in the ruins and that he needed Captain Tor to get his Wookies to clear the rubble. Instead Captain Tor and the Wookies attacked Shawni hoping to use him as a hostage. Shawni took several Wookies down, as his tech gave him an advantage over Captain Tor. In the end Shawni teleported out promising to make him pay for the double cross. Captain Tor began to get the Wookie village ready for an assult as the Trilani would sure be back with their droids.

Within the ruins, Xul and L checked to see if everyone was okay. It seems Tizzit was hurt rather badly. PK-17 was unresponsive, and it seems it was due to that it ran out of power. L and Wrabbler did their best to lead a mediation for a few hours to use the force to center and hopefully heal everyone. They had some time to plan what to do next as they seemed to be trapped within the ruins.
Roger had carried R-90 from the village, as most of the essential repairs were done. The Wookie lead him to a good hiding place by the ruins were no one would find them. Roger began to place the casing back on R-90 as well as re-activating the servos allowing R-90 to move. As Roger was doing a preliminary charge to re-start R-90, the floor of the well gave way and loosened as an explosion underground shifted the dirt and rubble. R-90 and Roger began to slide down, but R-90 used his grapple to secure himself and Roger in place. The earth seemed to go down a shaft to the right and plugged up again, while another shaft was unobstructed. They carefully began to climb down to explore what was going on. After a few minutes they got to a loose stone and fell down. They landed on top of Xul and L as they were about 10 minutes into their meditation. Bob was so happy that they were here and ask if they could help Tizzit. R-90 did what he could, but as Wrabbler and L said..the best idea was to meditate for the time being.

After the meditation was over, L looked at the next door in front of them. R-90 had told them that they climbed down from a well above and that they could use it as an escape. However since they were in the ruins, they should at least see if there was anything else. As L tried to figure out what to do next, he could hear hundreds of faint whispers just beyond the next door. Again he reached out with the force and could feel their fear, the chattering in his mind was almost deafening, but he knew he could channel his power to open the door in front of him. Xul prepared and took aim just in case as the door opened. There was a passage that descended into the darkness, but was soon faintly illuminated by hundred of small yellow crystals. This was the source of the voices. They cried and whimpered in L's mind as they descended down. PK-17 was left in the first hall as there was nothing anyone could do for the time being.
The stairwell led down to  a chamber housing a large red crystal. The glow of it made the room seemed splattered in blood. The floors and walls here was covered in a thin layer of dust, but oddly did not seem to shift as anyone passed by. R-90 had a feeling that he knew of this technology as it was familiar to him. He got one of his data pads and began to look for a port to interface with the red crystal. He did find something that would work, and it seemed the terminal that was connected to the red crystal adapted and began to interface with the data pad, learning much of it as it did for the group. Soon R-90 had a working interface and began to learn about the ruins. It seems that this was a Library of the Rakata Infinite Empire, it housed many crystals and also served as a prison for many that displeased the Empress Feta. There was an AI in the crystal as well that soon activated. An image of a Rakatan scholar with a sword by it side began to project as a Hologram and spoke "I am General Gorgan Zola of the Rakata Infinite Empire, Chancellor to Empress Feta, Destroyer of Galifrey, and Warden of Edean. What is it that you require?". Unlike the previous entities they encountered in the first hall, this one seemed to be the most aware. As the group began to formulate some questions, the holographic projection was going through the data pads basic information, it already mastered Aurabesh in order to talk to these lesser life forms. R-90 asked what was its purpose here, if it knew anything of the crystalline heart, while L began to ask about Kento Marek. Wrabbler was black in color and uneasy, as the power of the dark side was strong with this Holographic projection. 

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