
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Star Wars Adventure Path: Holonet News 01

Dulak Nib: Welcome to our weekly broadcast of "Talking Points Today". I am your host Dulak Nib.

As many of you know the Senate is still struggling with the decision on how to re-incorporate the Separatists systems and what to do with the reconstruction of so many worlds affected by the war. The Confederacy of Independent Systems has left many questions that the Senate has to deal with, and soon. They are many other threats that have to be addressed in this aftermath. That is why here today my guests are R'kar DoFar, a local activists group pushing for more transparency from the senate. Agar Sugar, a manager of a and independent salvo operation. Lastly A'chim Dononathy Irik Fontatodim the XVIII, a columnist covering some Outer Rim systems.

R'kar DoFar: I say severe sanctions are needed, The cost of the war, in terms of the clone troopers, vehicles, and equipment was an economical disaster. Kaminoan representatives have re-assured us that this was already paid for, but we have no record of this transaction or even where the money had come from in the first place. No we are stuck with over 1,000,000 clone troops. Who is going to care for them and what rights do they have? The senate has never properly dealt with the social concerns of the A.I. movement or the issue of clones.
We need to take care of loyal republic systems first, and I admit many of the populace of worlds of the C.I.S. had no say in the matter, their government officials are ultimately responsible for what had happen. Look at Kashyyyk, a loyal republic world manipulate by the so called Master Yoda of the Jedi order. They turned on the Clone Troopers...killing thousands. Some were pawns, but the wookie leader and their populace fought against us.

Agar Sugar: What DoFar says is true to some extent. However the Republic has already contracted many salvage operations. We are already combing battlefields and collecting many of the weapons, power supplies, and stripping what we can. Many of the droids being used are being salvaged and junked I can tell you that much. I don't think a basic memory wipe and re-purposing of these battle droid will make anyone feel safer. Just last week we moved of 50 tons of junked of OOM series from Baktoid Combat Automata. No point for those as they are out of business for good. This have opened up thousands of jobs and has at least allowed some of us to turn a heft profit in the clean up sector.
The only complaint I have is that of piracy and raiders. There is not enough republic force to provide us security and escorts. I have to admit, I had to sometimes re-purpose some of those battle droids myself before junking them. Just proves how easy it to have a droid switch loyalties. Am I right or am I right?

A.D.I.F. XVIII: As a professional courtesy Dulak Nib, you should not abbreviate my name. I will excuse this insult this time as to save your the embarrassment of public ridicule.

DoFar and Sugar, I think the main concern if to our fellow citizens. The core of our Republic is that we work in harmony together in order to build a sustainable and fair government, that benefits everyone in our Galaxy. Politics aside, our combined strength as whole allows us access to the bounty of each of our collective worlds. We are no longer just a collections of isolated microcosms floating in the vast vacuum of space, but a cohesive unit of a much greater whole.
We should welcome back our fellow citizens, and simple replace the heads of state with provincial government oversight for a time, until each system can stand up on its own again. We clearly have enough "Troopers" that have ideal skills to help police and train local tasks forces into civilian guards. If we trust our senate, with the guidance of the Emperor, may he live long and rule wisely, then I believe the Dawn of the Galactic Empire will make a positive mark on history as establishing order throughout the Galaxy.

Relevant Search History: Cooking with Chef Gormaanda

Jabbacado Toast 

Avocado toast is all the rage so why not have yours resemble the most famous kingpin this side of the Outer Rim? The dish is rounded out with a smooth hummus, sprinkled with a peppery cayenne that has the quality of Jabba’s unpredictable anger.

Serve this up before exploring the wilds of Nal-Hutta. It is only good manners.

-1 piece of bread, toasted
-½ avocado
-2-3 tablespoons hummus
-1 slice mango
-4 black sesame seeds
-½ teaspoon dark honey
-Cayenne pepper



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