Name: Borys of Ebe
World: Athas aka "Dark Sun"
Spells: Dragon King Ritual
Artifacts: The Dark Lens, Psionic Orb.
Borys was one of many human students to study underthe First Sorcerer, Rajaat. Rajaat, was a pyreen who was the who discovered magic during the Green Age and founded the Pristine Tower. Borys was one of 15 students who were taught Defiling magic in addition to Preserver methods.
Borys, like the rest of 15 were powerful psionist in addition to sorcerers. Through a ritual at the Pristine Tower, Borys and the rest of the 15 became immortal by channeling the power of the sun. Rajaat commanded his champions to go forth and enact a cleansing war to restore Athas to the Blue Age, a period in which the world was covered mostly by water. Borys was the 13th Champion of Rajaat, and was tasked with being the butcher of dwarves.
However, the Champions were aware of Rajaat's madness and new of his duplicity when he wish to recreate the Blue Age. Halfling would remain the dominant species, and humans would serve them. Borys was the one who lead the revolt against Rajaat and imprisoned the mad Pyreen and his halfling guards deep with the Shadow Plane, in a place called the Hollow. There locked away by magic and psionics, the Cleansing Wars came to an end.
Borys then showed the remaining champions a ritual that would further elevate them to greater power. Each Champion was given a City-State to control within Borys new realm, and each Champion was taught a ritual to become a Dragon King. However, unlike the other Champions he sacrificed himself to become a power unto Athas itself, and completed the full transformation to a Dragon. He reasoned that the Dark Lens would need a powerful protector to guard it and to ensure Rajaat wound never return. Borys went east and created his own city of Uth Draxa. However, Borys was killed by a Mul Gladiator, Rkard.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Character Profile: Federal Agent Dale Cooper
"Gentlemen, when two separate events occur simultaneously pertaining to the same object of inquiry, we must always pay strict attention."
-Dale Cooper
Federal Agent Dale Cooper is best known for his appearance on Twin Peaks. He is an FBI agent investigating the mysterious murder of Laura Palmer. Over the course of events as he is tracking down this serial killer it becomes apparent that the town is much more than it seems.
As the mystery unravels we find that to many conspiracies within the town tied to the Great Northern Hotel, the various residents of the Town, aliens, and the ancient supernatural forces. The investigation finally leads to a man known as Mike the one armed man, who is a vessel for the "Sorcerer". Apparently the "Sorcerer" had cast off his familiar who called itself "Bob". The entity "Bob" inhabited Leland Palmer, a lawyer and advisor to Benjamin Horne, who would commit murders on his behalf. Eventually this lead to the death of his daughter, Laura. During the investigation Agent Cooper linked Mike/Bob to the Black Lodge. These entities had a nexus nearby in the Ghostwoods, and used it to contact our world. Beside the supernatural element here, Agent Cooper was contacted by Aliens as well in the form of a Giant and Dwarf, who were somehow related to the Black Lodge. Eventually after the case was solved, an old nemesis by the name of Windom Earle. The serial killer somehow knows about the Black Lodge and drags Cooper directly into it. In the end, Dale Cooper and Windom Earle are trapped in the Lodge. Although, it appears that "Bob" used this opportunity as well, and took control of Dale Cooper's body.
What is interesting about Special Agent Dale Cooper is that almost everything amazes him. He can makes sense of even the most bizarre, and thinks outside the box. Highly intelligent and one who follows his own path. He balances reason with wisdom, and is highly intuitive. He is courageous, methodical, and logical in the face of danger. He also takes time and appreciates the simple pleasures in life, whether it be a great cherry pie and coffee or watching ducks on a pond. In away he also likes living in the past, in the ideal past where the Government looked out for people, the people were the salt of the earth, and things made sense for they were plain and true.
His resolve and quirkiness was something I admired. For despite the fact that the oddest things in the world kept happening around him..... he persevered to make sense of it all.
-Dale Cooper
Federal Agent Dale Cooper is best known for his appearance on Twin Peaks. He is an FBI agent investigating the mysterious murder of Laura Palmer. Over the course of events as he is tracking down this serial killer it becomes apparent that the town is much more than it seems.
As the mystery unravels we find that to many conspiracies within the town tied to the Great Northern Hotel, the various residents of the Town, aliens, and the ancient supernatural forces. The investigation finally leads to a man known as Mike the one armed man, who is a vessel for the "Sorcerer". Apparently the "Sorcerer" had cast off his familiar who called itself "Bob". The entity "Bob" inhabited Leland Palmer, a lawyer and advisor to Benjamin Horne, who would commit murders on his behalf. Eventually this lead to the death of his daughter, Laura. During the investigation Agent Cooper linked Mike/Bob to the Black Lodge. These entities had a nexus nearby in the Ghostwoods, and used it to contact our world. Beside the supernatural element here, Agent Cooper was contacted by Aliens as well in the form of a Giant and Dwarf, who were somehow related to the Black Lodge. Eventually after the case was solved, an old nemesis by the name of Windom Earle. The serial killer somehow knows about the Black Lodge and drags Cooper directly into it. In the end, Dale Cooper and Windom Earle are trapped in the Lodge. Although, it appears that "Bob" used this opportunity as well, and took control of Dale Cooper's body.
What is interesting about Special Agent Dale Cooper is that almost everything amazes him. He can makes sense of even the most bizarre, and thinks outside the box. Highly intelligent and one who follows his own path. He balances reason with wisdom, and is highly intuitive. He is courageous, methodical, and logical in the face of danger. He also takes time and appreciates the simple pleasures in life, whether it be a great cherry pie and coffee or watching ducks on a pond. In away he also likes living in the past, in the ideal past where the Government looked out for people, the people were the salt of the earth, and things made sense for they were plain and true.
His resolve and quirkiness was something I admired. For despite the fact that the oddest things in the world kept happening around him..... he persevered to make sense of it all.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Spycraft: Shadowforce Archer
If you want to play in a world of espionage and spies.... then Spycraft is for you. The game itself can be divided between our own modern world, or that of the alternate earth with Shadowforce Archer. Originally published under AEG, the setting is available from Crafty Games.
On this alternate earth there is a whole network of chains of spies, from governments to industries, seeking control of local economies, nations, and politics. The Archer Foundation is a neutral global spyforce that has its hands in everything. The group provides a consolidated spy network to insure global stability.
his network is challenge by other such groups (e.g. Pan-Asian Collective, European Commonwealth, and the African Alliance) that which to their own regional agenda. Adding into the mix our individual organization that seek total world dominance; the Shop and the Hand of Glory.
The action is designed to be fast paced, a reminiscent of the spy genre. It uses a variant of the D20 Modern rules systems and designed with a new set of character classes; Faceman, Fixer, Pointman, Snoop, Soldier, and Wheelman. Of course there options to add in FX abilities such as magic and psionics if you wish to introduce a bit of the macabre and unusual.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Stargate: SG-1
Stargate SG-1 is a Sci-Fi series, that went from movie theaters into a TV series, which has created three spinoffs (SG: Infinity, SG: Atlantis, and SG: Universe).
The entire show is based around the concept of a device known as a Stargate which allows almost instantaneous interstellar and intergalactic travel. These gates were built thousand of years ago be race of beings known as the "Ancients" aka Alterans. The ancients were technological and ethically advanced, and created many wonderous objects. They also helped cultivate many of the early stellar races, and seeded planets in hopes that their race would not be gone. Humans are just one of the many descendants of the Ancients (If it sounds like Star Trek you are right folks! Stargate borrows many of the same formulas that Star Trek has used and blended it in with Star Wars action). However, the Alterans group became the Ori... while the others left for the Milky Way and Pegasus Galaxies.
Eventually these Ancients ascended into higher forms, and left the technology in the hands oftheir descendants or lost to time. In the Pegasus Galaxy, a group of Alterans who did not ascend were almost destroyed by the Wraith, and their own creations known as the replicators. Within the Mikly Way galaxy the Alterans ascended, and various races took control of the Stargates. The Goa'uld created an Empire using the Stargates and enslaved many worlds. Their empire stretch and encompassed Earth at one time, until a great revolt took place and drove them away.
The Stargate wasn't discovered until sometime in the early 1900's in Egypt. It was activated by the US Air Force in the early 1990's and first contact was made with the people of Abydos and the Goa'uld. The US unofficially commissioned this in SGC (Star Gate Command), whose main goal was to explore and recover alien technology. Eventually this brought them into conflict with the Goa'uld once more, and the empire retaliated many times in bids to destory the earth. The SGC also encountered a number of Alien races, and made a strong ally in the Asgard. The Asgard had seen that the descents of the Altarans had mutured, and despite their concerns did their best to guide us (we would later find out that the race was dying out and humans were chosen to be their successors).
As theses interstellar conflicts threatened the world, the governments of China and the USSR became involved in the program. What was worse is that a shadow government began stealing technology and had infiltrated the SCG for their agenda of world control. Eventually, the SGC started to work more closely with the international community. This the Atlantis expedition marks the first true co-operative mission by earth.
Also during this time, the US and its allies began construction on Interstellar Vessels (yup Atlantis id DS-9 and SGC is another Federation).
In more recent times, SGC has discovered an unmanned Alteran vessel that has been traversing various galaxies. The SGC sent another group by the SGC, and they were trapped on the ship (ala Voyager and Enterprise series). It was discovered that this vessel was built before the Stargates, and had an early form of Stargate that could only make interplanetary travel possible between the ship and the closest Stargate. The crew is lost and is trying to unlock the secrets and steer the ship in an attempt to return home.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Dungeons & Dragons
During the 1980's the world of Dungeons and Dragons became an animated series. In a demi-plane known as the Realm, some 2,000 years ago a Wizard son was corrupted by a force of evil and became an infernal wizard known as Venger. The wizard who would come to be known as "The Dungeon Master", locked his son on a demi-plane until a cure could be found. However, Venger began open portals to other worlds in hope to gain power and forces to break free of his prison. Over the course of centuries, he managed to fashion a world within the demi-plane that would come to be known as "The Realm". With hope, the Dungeon Master drew in heroes as well hoping they would defeat the evil within his son. Yet many of these heroes fell to Venger or the dangerous creatures within this world.
It is unknown whether Venger or the Dungeon Master drew in a group of children at an amusement park, but they would some come to be one of the most successful group of heroes that thwarted Venger's plan. The group consisted of .Hank who wielded a Magical Bow, Eric who was given a magical shield, Albert who was given a magical hat, Dianna and magical staff, Shelia a magical cloak, and her younger brother bobby a magical club. They soon discovered that like themselves there were many other people who were trapped from many worlds, some of them fellow earthlings. Although the Dungeon Master was their mentor and guide, they had their doubts about him since it seemed he always toyed with them in baiting them with a way home.
Eventually some iconic characters also appear in the realms, such as an aspect of Lolth and an avatar of Tiamat (who is Venger's Nemesis). This also encounter Warduke, a villian from the world of Oerth. Eventually the group of children manage to turn Venger and defeat the evil within him. This causes the entire "Realm" to destabilize, and begin open portals to various home worlds of the beings that were drawn in. The group of adventures chooses a portal which ends up taking them somewhere to the lands of Kara-Tur on the world of Abeir-Toril. In a later comic, it is confirmed that the group ended up there and has been there for quite some time.
Within the Complete animated series DVD collection shown above, a D20 sourcebook was made detailing some of the main characters and an adventure.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Leged of Zelda
One of Nintendo's biggest franchises is the Legend of Zelda series. As of to date there have been 16 games in the series, detailing the adventures of Link across the lands of Hyrule. The main story revolves around the story of the Tri-Force and the conflict between the Hero of Time and the Demon King. This saga has been played over again in various cycles, with the Hero of Time reincarnated as Link. The Demon King was once a powerful evil named "Demise", but has come back through his lieutenants and most infamously through the villain King Ganondorf of the Gerudo. The Tri-Force itself is always being scattered for the good of the land, but is sought by both villains and heroes alike.
The land of Hyrule was created by the three Golden Goddesses; Din the goddess of Power, Nayru the goddess of Wisdom, and Farore the goddess of Courage. They all dwell within the sacred realm and created an artifact known as the Tri-Force. This powerful artifact helped keep peace within the kingdoms for centuries. They entrusted the artifact with the goddess Hylia. The goddess herself created a realm where her chosen the Hylian lived high above the world. She did this to protect her people from the Demon King Demise who she sealed in the Twilight Realm. It wasn't until the Demon King was free once again that she had to intervine, in her aspect as Zelda. Within the coming cycles, the Demon King would escape the Twilight Realm and Zelda/Hylia would have to intervene. Link would be reborn time and time again as her destined champion. The Cycle itself is mirrored in various timeline where the Demon King is Triumphant, where Link either wins/loses as an adult or child, were the Demon King is resurrected or destroyed forever.
The lands of of the Worlds of Zelda are divided into Twilight Realm, the Sacred Realm, Hyrule, and Termina. The Twilight Realm is a dark reflection of the world where darkness rules. It can twist the vary nature of a person to reflect their soul. The sacred Realm is where the power of the Tri-force dwells and the sacred goddesses. Termina is a parallel world of Hyrule. The world is which Hyrule dwells in has several continents. Hyrule is the most common kingdom in which the series take place, but other continents such as Labrynna and Holodrum.
Various races call these worlds home. The Hylians are the most numerous people of the world and resemble elflike people. The Kokiri are more traditional fairy types in appearance and live in the forest. The Gerudo and Shiekah live in the deserts, and are rather aggressive and war like. The Zora are aquatic beings who live in the seas and rivers. The Deku are plant like creatures who share the forests with the Kokiri. Their are also the tiny Minch, who are fey like mice. The Gorons are huge being who live up in the mountains. Then there are the mysterious Twili of the Twilight Realms.
As of to date there is now PnP RPG, but there is a fansite with a conversion for your D20 games.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Famous Spellcasters: Tal Rasha
Name: Tal Rasha
World: Sanctuary aka "Diablo"
Artifacts: Tal Rasha's Adjudication amulet, Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye orb, Tal Rasha's Guardianship body armor, Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest helm, Tal Rasha's Fire-Spun Cloth belt.
Ages ago the Archangel Tyrael bought together the mages from the three great clans (Vizjerei, the Ennead and the Ammuit) to stop the Prime Evils. Together they for the Horadrim Brotherhood. Tal Rasha was chosen as their leader, and they began the hunt for the Prime Evils. Tyrael had given them each a sole stone to be used to bind and seal each one. They first defeated Mephisto. Then they tracked Baal to the deserts of Lut Gholein.
However in battle Baal, the soulstone was shattered. Under Tal Rasha instruction the constructed a binding stone and he sacrificed himself to contain the demon. He was buried in a Tomb long forgotten by many to wrestle with the Prime Evil that is Baal. Sadly though Baal was freed later by his brother Diablo, and planned to invade hell once again. Over the centuries, Baal had absorbed much of Tal Rasha's knowledge and his weakened spirit finally left his body.
World: Sanctuary aka "Diablo"
Artifacts: Tal Rasha's Adjudication amulet, Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye orb, Tal Rasha's Guardianship body armor, Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest helm, Tal Rasha's Fire-Spun Cloth belt.
Ages ago the Archangel Tyrael bought together the mages from the three great clans (Vizjerei, the Ennead and the Ammuit) to stop the Prime Evils. Together they for the Horadrim Brotherhood. Tal Rasha was chosen as their leader, and they began the hunt for the Prime Evils. Tyrael had given them each a sole stone to be used to bind and seal each one. They first defeated Mephisto. Then they tracked Baal to the deserts of Lut Gholein.
However in battle Baal, the soulstone was shattered. Under Tal Rasha instruction the constructed a binding stone and he sacrificed himself to contain the demon. He was buried in a Tomb long forgotten by many to wrestle with the Prime Evil that is Baal. Sadly though Baal was freed later by his brother Diablo, and planned to invade hell once again. Over the centuries, Baal had absorbed much of Tal Rasha's knowledge and his weakened spirit finally left his body.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Character Profile: Lt. Col. Maes Hughes
"Lay off, I'm as normal as they come and this is a contest of freaks. What do you want me to do, fire my slingshot at him?"
-Lt Col. Maes Hughes
Lt. Col Maes Hughes is a high ranking officer of the Amestrian State Military. He is best friends with Roy Mustang whom he attended the academy with. Although not a State Alchemist, he is widely respected by his subordinates. As the series goes on, he realizes the conspiracy that Edward Elric has uncovered concerning the Homunculi. Sadly though during the course of the investigation he is killed by the homunculus "Envy". Although killed, on our parallel world of "Earth" he lives on in away as his counterpart serves as a police officer in Germany. Thanks to Ed he gains the courage to speak with Gracia (his wife in the world Full Metal Alchemist) and they manage to unite and leave Nazi Germany behind.
He is a charming and dashing man, who is caring and light hearted. He is high intelligent and is very perceptive. Although he seems very jovial on the outside, on the inside he is deadly serious about protecting those he loves and while holding his ideal to improve his country. He is fiercely loyal to his wife and child, something that he constantly expresses to everyone. His family is the mot important thing in life to him.
Like a couple of my other fictitious crushes, Maes Hughes, has those qualities everyone hopes to find in a guy. He is serious and smart, but with a kind a gentle heart. He is an idealist who will stand up for his principles.
-Lt Col. Maes Hughes
Lt. Col Maes Hughes is a high ranking officer of the Amestrian State Military. He is best friends with Roy Mustang whom he attended the academy with. Although not a State Alchemist, he is widely respected by his subordinates. As the series goes on, he realizes the conspiracy that Edward Elric has uncovered concerning the Homunculi. Sadly though during the course of the investigation he is killed by the homunculus "Envy". Although killed, on our parallel world of "Earth" he lives on in away as his counterpart serves as a police officer in Germany. Thanks to Ed he gains the courage to speak with Gracia (his wife in the world Full Metal Alchemist) and they manage to unite and leave Nazi Germany behind.
He is a charming and dashing man, who is caring and light hearted. He is high intelligent and is very perceptive. Although he seems very jovial on the outside, on the inside he is deadly serious about protecting those he loves and while holding his ideal to improve his country. He is fiercely loyal to his wife and child, something that he constantly expresses to everyone. His family is the mot important thing in life to him.
Like a couple of my other fictitious crushes, Maes Hughes, has those qualities everyone hopes to find in a guy. He is serious and smart, but with a kind a gentle heart. He is an idealist who will stand up for his principles.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Known Realms: World of Aereth
The Known Realms was a campaign setting based upon the Dungeon Crawl Adventures published by Goodman Games. The planet is called Aereth, and it has just one moon that orbits around it. The world is filled with the standard typical races such as elves, dwarves, halfings, human, and gnomes. Human civilization is a mix between the northlanders (european), lost lands (arabic), Xanthous (asian), and xulmac (mayans). Magic is very previlant, and the world has been shaped by a very unique pantheon which has warred with eachother for countless centuries.
The developement of the world has each been shaped by an Age of Dragons, an Age of Sphinxes, an Age of Serpents (Yuan-ti), and lastly by an Age of Giants which gave way to the Age of Humans. The feel of this world is a mixing of cultures from the very ancient to those that are moving to an exploration period of science and arts. Many places exist as independent city states.
It is worth mentioning that a version of the City of Freeport, is found within the Known Realms. Although Freeport exisits on its own world . . .the mysterious pirate city has links to the World of Aerth as well.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Founders of Roleplaying: H.G. Wells
Many people know of H.G. Wells as one of the fathers of science-fiction. He was born in London, England and lived from 1866-1946. He has written a number of popular books dealing with Time Travel (The Time Machine), Alien Invasions (War of the Worlds), and horrors of science gone awry (Island of Dr. Moreau, Food of the Gods) are just to name a few. As a man, he deeply cared of humanity and was troubled by the political and socio-economical development of that time. Some of his other works go deeper into this new climate of change.
In 1914 he published a book called "Little Wars" which laid the foundation for tabletop RPGs. His game focused on re-enacting famous military battles through the use of miniatures, and seeing the outcomes changed by rules of chance and the players moves. As you can see this has inspired many of the other tabletop miniature games readily available on the market from Heroclix and Mage Knight to Warhammer Fantasy and Iron Kingdoms.
Dungeons and Dragons also at one point had it own miniatures line in Chainmail. It resurface twiced during the eras of 2nd and 3rd Edition. Today the use of minature are strongly incouraged in elements of RPGs
You can read his full result along with audio here, bought to you by Public
Monday, September 20, 2010
Dragon Fist
Well just before the announcement of 3E, a free campaign setting was released by WotC call Dragon Fist.
It was a nod to the old Oriental Adventurers line, but concerning a more Chinese based theme rather than Japanese. We finally had a campaign world in which matched many of the kung fu and wuxia films that were being released.
Dragon Fist takes place in the lands of Tianguo, and its' nine provinces.The Kingdom is ruled by Emperor Jianmin, who is secretly in league with a demon who has helped the emperor exceed his lifespan. The Emperor know live out of the natural order, but is protected by scores of bureaucrats and demons who have their own interests for keeping him on the throne. The nine provinces deal with their own issues, from cults and bandits preying up its citizens, imbalances within the spirit world, and provincial political intrigue as bureaucrats and merchants try to climb the social-political ladders of the kingdom.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Monte Cook second campaign setting in Ptolus, set in the world of Praemal. An interesting note is that Ptolus bears a striking resemblance in away to the themes presented in the Oathbound Campaign settings. It the prehistory of the world, the god known as Praemus created a world which was designed to snare the Galchutt.
The Galchutt had plagued the multiverse, and he had hoped to trap a significant portion of that evil in a self contained world.
However, the other gods who had worked with him to make the world were horrified that a world was created to entrap the foulest evil ever and that innocent mortals spirits were bound to a world in which was a prison. Many of the gods were angry at what had been done. Yet in the end they agreed to leave for various reasons after a conflict with Praemus. However, other gods have risen from mortal who have gone through trials or simply sprung into being. Many interloper gods have also taken interest, yet are careful to send powerful agents as representatives should their avatars become trapped. Beside the multitudes of these gods, there is also a strong presence of a mortal church based around the Prophet Lothian who managed to ascend to heaven.
The world of Praemal has two continents, the first continent being Tarsis and the other has not been fully explored. There are two visible moons in the sky, Lunas and Rogue which orbit the world. A half of a third moon remains invisible. This moon known as Vallis is the home of several celestial heralds that guard severn golden chains which ensure that the Galchutt can never leave the world. There is a balance though, for every demon on the world, there is also a celestial agent of the Malkuth. The races of Praemal are similar to those found on other worlds. There are four great dwarven clans (Earthsingers, Grailwardens, Stonelost, and Stonemight). The Urthor Aedar (elves) are descended from the Lunas and Solaar elves, while Shoal elves are an aquatic offshoot. The Cherubim are winged elves as old as the Lunas and Solaar, that are somewhat reclusive. Yet there are also twisted variants of the elves known as Harrow and Dark Elves,.tainted by the Galchutt. Loresong Faen here are known as gnomes elsewhere, as well well as the Saelas Faen commonly called halflings. Among the races you can also find Assarai (Lizardfolk), Centaurs, and Litorians. As usual the most numerous races are the humans which have founded the great Empire of Tarsis (European). Humans have also traveled most of the world and have made contact with other cultures such as the Noll (Norse), Uraq & Kem (Arabic)
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Founders of Roleplaying: Mark Rein-Hagen
Mark Rein-Hagen in was 1964. He along with Johnathan Tweet developed the Ars Magica game that was originally produced under their company Lion's Rampart 1989. Ars Magica was a campaign setting based around spellcasters during the medieval age. Ars Magica and its history would eventually become the backdrop of Mage: The Ascension. It wasn't until 1990 that his company merged with that of White Wolf Magazine (and independent gaming magazine founded in 1986) in 1990. Together they formed White Wolf Studios.
In 1991 the World of Darkness was born with Vampire: The Masquerade. This became a premiere horror genre that redefined the traditional notions of vampires set in the modern world. Since he helped flesh out the rest of the World of Darkness; Werewolf: The Apocalypse in 1992, Mage: The Ascension in 1993, Wraith: The Oblivion in 1994, Changeling: The Dreaming in 1995, Trinity in 1997, Hunter: The Reckoning in 1999, Exalted in 2001, and Demon: The Fallen in 2002. The Trinity line existed outside the World of Darkness, while Exalted existed in the Second Ages of Prehistory (obvious links to the World of Darkness can be found here).
In 2001 here created the first collectible action figure game known as Z-G.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Famous Spellcasters: Col. Roy Mustang
Name: Col. Roy Mustang
World: Earth aka "Full Metal Alchemist"
Artifacts: Amestrian State Pocket Watch.
Col. Roy Mustang is a State Alchemist and officer of the Amestrian State Military. He is a hero of Ishval Civil War and was given the title of "Flame Alchemist" for his proficiency with fire. He secretly hopes one day to become Fuhrer of Amestrian and has a powerful supporter in Brigadier General Maes Hughes.
He was apprenticed Berthold Hawkeye, an individual who perfected flame alchemy. However Berthold withheld most of his secrets from Roy and instead gave them to his daughter Riza. However he continued his research and based upon what he was taught, form his own mastery of flame. That mastery saved him and earned him recognition during the Ishval Civil War.
He was assigned a special case, when it was said a powerful alchemist lived in Resembool. There he found the Elric bothers, and found a protege Edward Elric. Over the course of his involvement with Edward he has dealt with numerous homoculi and learned to perform alchemy without the use of a transmutation circle or alchemical enhancement.
World: Earth aka "Full Metal Alchemist"
Artifacts: Amestrian State Pocket Watch.
Col. Roy Mustang is a State Alchemist and officer of the Amestrian State Military. He is a hero of Ishval Civil War and was given the title of "Flame Alchemist" for his proficiency with fire. He secretly hopes one day to become Fuhrer of Amestrian and has a powerful supporter in Brigadier General Maes Hughes.
He was apprenticed Berthold Hawkeye, an individual who perfected flame alchemy. However Berthold withheld most of his secrets from Roy and instead gave them to his daughter Riza. However he continued his research and based upon what he was taught, form his own mastery of flame. That mastery saved him and earned him recognition during the Ishval Civil War.
He was assigned a special case, when it was said a powerful alchemist lived in Resembool. There he found the Elric bothers, and found a protege Edward Elric. Over the course of his involvement with Edward he has dealt with numerous homoculi and learned to perform alchemy without the use of a transmutation circle or alchemical enhancement.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Character Profile: Hawkeye
"Starting now, this neighborhood belongs to the people who LIVE in it. Starting now, you will be held ACCOUNTABLE for every act of violence you commit -- and the CONSEQUENCES will be delivered to your door."
From the Marvel Universe we have Clint Barton aka "Hawkeye" of the Avengers. Hawkeye is a master archer and weapon's expert.
An orphan he ran away and joined the circus, where he was trained by the Swordsman and Trickshot. His mentors entered a life a crime, but he decided to stop them.
Hawkeye is an interesting character as he is a person who is always looking to belong. He is a skilled and passionate individual, a great leader, and person with a great moral regard. He also often likes at the big pictures and sees potential in people. For this reason, his compassion, individual often see him as someone to go to for advice.What is also great about Hawkeye is why often see how mortal he is, and he knows it. He makes no qualms about being great... which shows his humility. He is just a non-powered superhero, who happens to be very skilled with the bow and sword.
He has been a member of the Avengers, Great Lake Avengers, Thunderbolts. and the Defenders. ( I'd say this is another crush I have on a fiction character).
From the Marvel Universe we have Clint Barton aka "Hawkeye" of the Avengers. Hawkeye is a master archer and weapon's expert.
An orphan he ran away and joined the circus, where he was trained by the Swordsman and Trickshot. His mentors entered a life a crime, but he decided to stop them.
Hawkeye is an interesting character as he is a person who is always looking to belong. He is a skilled and passionate individual, a great leader, and person with a great moral regard. He also often likes at the big pictures and sees potential in people. For this reason, his compassion, individual often see him as someone to go to for advice.What is also great about Hawkeye is why often see how mortal he is, and he knows it. He makes no qualms about being great... which shows his humility. He is just a non-powered superhero, who happens to be very skilled with the bow and sword.
He has been a member of the Avengers, Great Lake Avengers, Thunderbolts. and the Defenders. ( I'd say this is another crush I have on a fiction character).
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Star Trek
The Star Trek Universe takes place in parallel universe in which earth's history went through some different events. Namely beginning in 1993, Earth was caught up in a conflict if the Eugenics Wars. Apparently scientists were working with genetic augmentation and experimentation to produce a form of human that was more enhanced. The war caused 30 million deaths. Decades later the world governments began a conflict that escalated into WW III, nearly destroying the earth.
Despite the war, individuals continued on with research and one scientist known as Zefran Cochran did the unbelievable by creating a warp drive. This attracted the attention of a Vulcan ship, which established first contact with Earth and bringing the governments together as they finally had proof of intelligent life in the universe. Over the next few decades the Vulcans helped the Earthling re-establish themselves and soon earth began to explore the galaxy on its own. Eventually in 2161, Earth along with the Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellurites formed the Federation. An orginzation dedicated to maintaining peaceful co-existence throughout the galaxy. The United Federation of Planets eventually grew to include over 150 planets and 8,000 light years of space. They have established contact with other stellar nations, such as the Cardassian Union, the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, etc.
In 2340 technology had greatly advanced and the UFP was cohesive government. This marked an era of peaceful exploration. However, the peace was interrupted when the Borg attacked Earth. In 2370 another conflict bought the Federation to War, the Alpha and Gamma Quadrants tow dominate political powers fought for control of a Bajoran Wormhole. The Dominion War changed the political environment of of the UFP and other stellar nations. As a side note, around 2368 a ship was accidentally pulled into the Delta Quadrant. This ship known as "Voyager" explored much of the region of this unknown space as it attempted to return home.
However around 2409, a star went nova and threatened much of the Romulan Stellar Empire. The UFP in a diplomatic effort attempted to assist the Romulans by introducing a substance known as "Red Matter" that would have swallowed the nova flare in a temporary black hole. However it was too late when their plan was set in motion and Romulus and Remus was destroyed.
It is interesting to note that the Star Trek Universe has a mirror "Counterpart". It was discovered during 2155 when a Federation starship from 2268 was captured by the Tholians. It was phased into another universe where the Terran Empire discovered it (a dark counterpart to the UFP). In this universe the Terran Empire conquered various worlds and bought them under their boot. However, another brief contact in 2268 on both sides changed the mind of Captain Spock of the I.S.S Enterprise to bring a more peaceful way of life to the Terran Empire. Later is was discovered because of this new direction in 2368, that the Terrans were defeated by the Klingon-Cardassian Union and enslaved.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
World of Freeport
A campaign world that mixes pirates, Cthulhu, and medival fantasy all rolled into one brought to you by Green Ronin. The campaign takes place on a group of isles known as the Serpent's Teeth. The history of Freeport has remained largely generic as so you can incorporate it into most campaign worlds.
What is known is that in the past there was a great serpent empire that worshiped some elder gods. They were eventually over thrown and the age of man flourished. Within the Serpent's Teeth, a group of pirates founded their own city. Their new city, it served as a hub were all cultures and intrigues crossed paths.
The threats of the elder gods are still present as more than one mariner has uncovered ancient and forbidden artifacts. Mostly notably the King in Yellow has a strong cult (Hastur of the cthulhu Mythos).
Magic and gunpowder are a common place among the pirates. Yet if the island chains is just to small of a place to go adventuring, the isles are officially located off the coast of the "Continent". At one time the human Empire of Hexworth ruled most of the continent, but it was eventually broken up into smaller nations. The Ivory Ports (a loose collation of five city-states), Kizmir (arabic), Rolland (Europeans), Tagmata, and Vorizar (dwarves) now control most of the continent.
The City of Freeport can also be found on the wolrds of Onara (Arcanis) and Aereth (Known Worlds).
Monday, September 13, 2010
Dangerous Journeys' Mythus: Epic of Aerth
The world of Aerth is an alternate version of earth that is closely connected and is considered a counterpart to Oerth, Yarth, Nerath, and Uerth. It was a campaign setting developed by Gary Gygax, and it was one that was made after he was forced to leave D&D and TSR.
Aerth has one moon, and a solar system that is vary much like ours. The Time period is around the early 1600's but things are vastly different. For one thing, magic is in an abundance here. The island of Atlantis never sank. Many of the ancient kingdoms and empires are still standing strong. The Americas were discovered and colonized by the Norse, and there are thriving communities from each of the old worlds nations. The indigenous people were treated with a bit more respect and are treated as a foreign power in their own right. The Age of Discovery still happens, scientific reason is coupled and supported by the ancient traditions of magik. So progress is made with a deep understanding of magik explaining it all. Magik itself varies from culture to culture. The traditions of the Greeks, Aegyptian, Azir, and Aeurope vary....but operate under the simple principles at the core. Many well known spellcasters and scientist are mirrored here, such as Leonardo Da Vinci and even Sir Issac Newton. Merlyn was also active in the Isles of Avalon, but disappeared some decades ago.
Aerth is a planet that is also hollow and contains an inner world. The topography of the inner core is a mirror image of the outer surface, but the land to water ratio is reversed. Where the surface land masses should be, there are oceans instead. Likewise where surface ocean should be, there are are land masses instead. More of Inner Aerth will be discussed later.
Like our world humans are in abundance, yet mythical races do still exist. The world of Pharee contains all manner of elves, dwarves, goblins, gnomes, etc that are known is story and lore. Although many believe Pharee to be a co-existant world, some speculate it may be a place called the Feywild. The world of Pharee can be a very dangerous place, as many of the inhabitants are driven by passions most humans cannot understand.

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Character Profile: Sesshomaru
"Compared to me, you were never any good."
In the anime/manga Inu Yasha, Sesshomaru is the eldest son of the of the great wolf demon of japan and is known as the Demon Lord of the Western Lands.
Like his father he is an extremely powerful individual, possessing a vast array of martial powers with an air of nobility and honor. However, he didn't inherit his father's interest in humanities well being. He has a younger brother, named Inu Yasha who is half human. He views Inu Yasha with disgust, yet grudgingly acknowledge his familial duties.
As an individual, Sesshomaru is confident in his abilities and is aloof seeing everyone else as inconsequential or in the way. If he has any allies, they are beings who respect him for his great power. Jaken (a kappa), Ah-Un (steed), and Rin (a human girl) are one of his few companions who he treats with some level of interest. Jaken follows him as his courtier, while Rin follows him becuase her family was slaughtered and bought her back to life with his sword Tenseiga. His time with all three have softened his heart just a tiny bit
Sesshomaru is a strong character who faces the world alone. He knows the only one he can depend on is himself. He takes his responsibility of his father's title seriously and upholds his position. Although able to to be on his own, he has learned that others do provide a benefit. Jaken's loyalty is something he does appreciate, and Rin's gratitude and kind nature has shown him why his father did care for humans.
In the anime/manga Inu Yasha, Sesshomaru is the eldest son of the of the great wolf demon of japan and is known as the Demon Lord of the Western Lands.
Like his father he is an extremely powerful individual, possessing a vast array of martial powers with an air of nobility and honor. However, he didn't inherit his father's interest in humanities well being. He has a younger brother, named Inu Yasha who is half human. He views Inu Yasha with disgust, yet grudgingly acknowledge his familial duties.
As an individual, Sesshomaru is confident in his abilities and is aloof seeing everyone else as inconsequential or in the way. If he has any allies, they are beings who respect him for his great power. Jaken (a kappa), Ah-Un (steed), and Rin (a human girl) are one of his few companions who he treats with some level of interest. Jaken follows him as his courtier, while Rin follows him becuase her family was slaughtered and bought her back to life with his sword Tenseiga. His time with all three have softened his heart just a tiny bit
Sesshomaru is a strong character who faces the world alone. He knows the only one he can depend on is himself. He takes his responsibility of his father's title seriously and upholds his position. Although able to to be on his own, he has learned that others do provide a benefit. Jaken's loyalty is something he does appreciate, and Rin's gratitude and kind nature has shown him why his father did care for humans.
Friday, September 10, 2010
World of Warcraft
Blizaard has created some great fantasy worlds (Diablo, Warcraft, and Starcraft) originally designed as PC games. Today each of these worlds have developed into their own brand of Adventure, RTS ,and MMORPG gaming. Each of these worlds have been made into a d20/Alternity game. An an entire history of the game can be found here.
The world of Azeroth is the main planet where all the action takes place. The planet has two moons, the White Lady and Blue child. The White Lady has a monthly cycle, while the Blue Child supposedly takes half that time. At onetime there was one super continent known as Kalimdor, yet after a great conflict known as the "The War of the Ancients", it split into three continents (Azeroth, Kalimdor, and Northrend). There is another land mass hidden, and known as Pandaria. The subterranean lands are largely unexplored, but there are tunnels that go deep and connect to all three continents.
Azeroth's past has always been shaped by conflict. When the world was created, a group of primordial beings held sway of the world. These beings created and destroyed life at their whims, conflicts between their elemental followers were common and would spill unto the world many of times. The only true goddess known was Elune, who transformed a group of trolls into her followers who eventual became the elves. Many Eternal Spirits (Ursoc the Bear, Malorne the White Stag, etc) were also worshiped by many of the early bestial races. For the early race of Azeroth were the Gnolls, Trolls, Murlocs, Furbolgs, Nurbians, and Quriaj.
It wasn't until the "Reckoning" that some of the other races appeared... the Earthen, Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans, Dragons, and Giants.
The Reckoning was a conflict between a group of "Celestials" known as the Titans, who established orded throughout the Universe. They fought the Old Gods, and chained them beneath the planet. There servitors were left in charge of the planet. However, the Old Gods had cursed there creations, which twisted their forms into mortal flesh creatures. Thus the races of Dwarves, Gnomes, Vyrkul, and Humans came to pass.
Centuries after the Reckoning had passed, a "War of the Ancients" would occur in which the forces of the Burning Legion, lead by the Titan Sargeras, would threaten to destroy the world. During this conflict most of the races and Eternals banded together to stop the Burning Legion, for they began to create a massive portal around the Well of Eternity (the magical nexus of the world). When the Legion was defeated, it cause the super continent to crack and divide into three parts, with most of the center falling into the sea.
Again centuries later would pass before another conflict grew. Humans grew and took over the eastern lands of Azeroth. During this time... the World of Warcraft as we know begins. For the Burning Legion didn't forget its loss, and managed to make a new army from the world of Draenor. They used corrupted orcs to come through another portal and wreak havoc on the lands. It took two wars, but the orcs were stopped.. However, a third conflict came to pass when the Legion made it presence known directly and attempted to bring in more. The fall of Lorderon occured because of the machinations of the Burning Legion, and further the corruption of the Queldorei Elves.
Today... the world is face with another cataclysm, and over the years and the races have united and fought for control of the world a new challenge is on the horizon. Azeroth will be shaken once more by the herald of the Old Gods, and the lands will be torn asunder.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Founders of Roleplaying: Ed Greenwood
Ed Greenwood, was born in Toronto, Canada in 1959. He is the author and creator of the 3rd Campaign Setting for Dungeon and Dragons. As the creator of the Forgotten Realms back in 1975, his setting was not fully published until 1987. He had help in expanding his world with Jeff Grub.For the past 20 years, the Forgotten Realms has remained the flagship campaign setting for the world of Dungeons and Dragons.
Ironically Ed seems to be our Earth's Elminister. He has appeared numerous time at various convention in the guise of the famed archmage of Faerun. Also in his fictional works he has played host to Mordenkainen of Oerth and Dalamar the Dark in his "Wizard's Three" articles found in Dragon Magazine.
Besides writing for the Forgotten Realms, he has also written several other series such as; The Band of Four, Falconfar, and Novel of Niflehiem series. In 2006 he created another Campaign Setting world known as Castlemourn.
Legend of the Five Rings
The World of Ningen-Do is centered around the lands of Rokugan, a place which is very much like the feudal ere of Japan. Adapted from a AEG's CTG, it soon became a popular RPG. In this world it is believe that the great gods, the Sun and the Moon had divine children. The Moon being jealous of his progeny ate them. It wasn't until centuries later when the gods broke free and fell to earth. Most of the gods when they fell to earth became immortals being that lead many of the humans together and founded the Empire of Rokugan. However, their brother Fe Lung fell far to the south and into the realm of Yomi. Their the evil corrupted him and made him into a dark god. For the next couple of centuries it would be Fu Leng mission to destroy he lands that his brother and sisters created.
On the same continent, a number of other cultures exist as well. To the southwest past the Shadowlands, the Ivory Kingdoms hold sway (India), to the west the great desert kingdoms of the Burnings Sand, and farther still the ancient empire of Senpet (Egypt) To the north, the Yobanjin barbarians (the original inhabitants of Rokugan), and far west lies Imperial Yodatai (Rome). Contact with a continent to the east has been made, where the nations of Merenae and Thane can be found (Europe).
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Original D&D campaign setting developed Dave Arneson that takes place on the world of Mystara.
The planet has two moons that follow different orbits. Matera which has a monthly lunar cycle and equatorial orbit. Patera which has a 84 hour long lunar cycle and polar orbit. Unlike most worlds, the deities of here are known as Immortals. Many of the older Immortals have forgotten how they reached a divine status, but almost of of the younger immortals had to be sponsored and live as mortal as they attempted divine status. The immortals are divided up between five spheres; Energy, Entropy, Matter, Thought, and Time. Although they may have their own pantheons, Immortals from each of these sphere tend to stay closer together.
The planet has a Hollow World, an interior which is designed to contains the cultures and creatures that have gone extinct. The Hollow World is mainly overseen by the Immortal Ka, who sole function is to make sure things endure. Within the Hollow World, each nation is not aware that there time has passed and strangely enough any warlike behaviors of expansion or war are no longer part of the culture, defense is always in mind. Likewise there are a number of floating islands that orbit around the Hollow Worlds Sun. On these islands, certain culture have been isolated and very rarely venture to the surface below.
The majority of the early campaign tool place in the Kingdom of Blackmoor, and dealt with two major world changing plot threads. The Egg of Coot and The City of the Gods. The Egg of Coot is a feared entity, who is powerful and control a great deal of magic. It is malign in nature and seeks to tale control of the world. The City of the Gods on the other hand, is the remnants of a crashed spaceship of technologically advanced beings from another world. Its engine core is damaged and is unstable. Eventually some adventurer's interfered with the core, which in turn had devastating results on the planet.The Egg of Coot reacting to this danger, transposed much of Blackmoor along with itself to the planet of Oerth.
Centuries later, the people of Mystara survived and flourished. A number of great cultures and civilizations developed on the three continents, and numerous islands found on the world. Mystara was set up to be the original world of the D&D Universe.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Famous Spellcasters: Setne Inhetep
Name: Setne Inhetep
World: Aerth aka "Dangerous Journeys"
Spells: Reverse Magik
Setne Inhetep is the High Magister to the Pharaoh of Aegypt. He is also a priest of Thoth, and is known for his analytical nature. He has extended his life well past a century, but still has the strength and the vitality of young man. In the lands of Aegypt he is well respected as one of the most skilled practitioners of Heku-based magic. He comes from a long line of practitioners as well, who has left a legacy of magical items at his disposal.
Not only is Setne well versed in all things magical, he is also an avid learning and shares a deep interest with learning about the people and cultures of the rest of the world. He is extremely proper and may seem logically cold, yet behind this he has a sincere and warm heart which has followed the tenets of Maat.
During the course of one of his adventures in in the lands Aeurope, he encountered a strange plot that involved the powerful witch known as Louhi (These events occur after Iggwiliv fought Graazt). Since then they have been at odds, since she is far more powerful than previously thought and seeks to gain the 99 artifacts from around the world.
World: Aerth aka "Dangerous Journeys"
Spells: Reverse Magik
Setne Inhetep is the High Magister to the Pharaoh of Aegypt. He is also a priest of Thoth, and is known for his analytical nature. He has extended his life well past a century, but still has the strength and the vitality of young man. In the lands of Aegypt he is well respected as one of the most skilled practitioners of Heku-based magic. He comes from a long line of practitioners as well, who has left a legacy of magical items at his disposal.
Not only is Setne well versed in all things magical, he is also an avid learning and shares a deep interest with learning about the people and cultures of the rest of the world. He is extremely proper and may seem logically cold, yet behind this he has a sincere and warm heart which has followed the tenets of Maat.
During the course of one of his adventures in in the lands Aeurope, he encountered a strange plot that involved the powerful witch known as Louhi (These events occur after Iggwiliv fought Graazt). Since then they have been at odds, since she is far more powerful than previously thought and seeks to gain the 99 artifacts from around the world.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Ed Greenwood, creator of the Forgotten Realms, teamed up with Margaret Weis Productions to bring about the Castlemourn Campaign Setting. A low magical fantasy setting featuring two new races. The Golaunt who are a mixed race of goblins, orcs, and humans. A cursed race known as the Thaele who are human in appearance, but very unsettling. As far as must know the world of Umbrara has a continent known as Mourna. The two moons Thelseene and Amaunt orbit around the planet, and in the starry sky there are 14 familiar constellations.
The worlds pastis mostly memory and the seven gods are silent on the matter. From what has been uncovered is that in the Ancient past magic was commonplace and even the humblest person could wield its power. Some 400 years ago outsiders from another realms invaded the lands Mourna seeing as it was rich with magical energies. These outsiders began to quickly take over various kingdoms, and soon the Great War began in which titanic magical forces were unleashed on both sides. As the battle waged the world of Umbrara was thrown out of balance as reality was rent asunder by the continual magic that was unleashed.
The world itself began to twist the arcane energies until a global backlash occurred. Instantly arcane forces ripped through the world, destroying kingdoms, leveling mountains and boiling seas. Those who weathered the storm found a changed world, and stranger still had no knowledge of what just had occurred. Their ancient past, the great war, and the memory of the invaders were all gone!
Since then the world has healed, and new kingdoms have arisen. Most fear magic, for strange things happen to those that come to arcane power (there lands may vanish, become altered, or come under the assault of an unknown magical force).
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Famous Spellcasters: Shang Tsung
Name: Shang Tsung
World: Earth aka "Mortal Kombat"
Shang Tsung was once a champion of Earth who fought in the Mortal Kombat tournament. However he was caught cheating and was to be sentenced to death. However, Shao Khan made him an offer in which he could escape his sentence. He was taken back to Outworld and trained in the mystic arts and necromancy. He soon became Shao Khan's primary sorcerer. When the time came for the next Mortal Kombat tournament to enter, he was victorious for Shao Khan. However the Elder Gods were displeased, for his methods of winning in which he consumed the souls of his victims. They cursed him to prematurely age, and the only way for him to stay young was to continually consume souls. He soon came to dominate the tournament for the next several bought and rose to become sole Grandmaster of the tournament. However, during the last match that would determine victory for the Outworld, his champion Goro failed. Shao Khan furious took the sorcerer back to Outworld, yet even in the depths of Shao Khan's prison he managed to be freed. Shao Khan restored his youth and vitality in order to enter the contest once again. Since then Shang Tsung has been a wild card, holding his allegiance with his Emperor whole at the same time making plans with other dark forces to control Outworld and the Earth.
World: Earth aka "Mortal Kombat"
Shang Tsung was once a champion of Earth who fought in the Mortal Kombat tournament. However he was caught cheating and was to be sentenced to death. However, Shao Khan made him an offer in which he could escape his sentence. He was taken back to Outworld and trained in the mystic arts and necromancy. He soon became Shao Khan's primary sorcerer. When the time came for the next Mortal Kombat tournament to enter, he was victorious for Shao Khan. However the Elder Gods were displeased, for his methods of winning in which he consumed the souls of his victims. They cursed him to prematurely age, and the only way for him to stay young was to continually consume souls. He soon came to dominate the tournament for the next several bought and rose to become sole Grandmaster of the tournament. However, during the last match that would determine victory for the Outworld, his champion Goro failed. Shao Khan furious took the sorcerer back to Outworld, yet even in the depths of Shao Khan's prison he managed to be freed. Shao Khan restored his youth and vitality in order to enter the contest once again. Since then Shang Tsung has been a wild card, holding his allegiance with his Emperor whole at the same time making plans with other dark forces to control Outworld and the Earth.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Character Profile: Matrim Cauthon
"I am a free man, Aes Sedai. I am no Aes Sedai meat."
-Mat Cauthon
Another of my favorite all time characters, and someone I do have a crush on, is Mat Cauthon from the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordon.
Mat is from humble beginning, a youth from Edmond's Field who is soon caught up in the adventure of a lifetime. He was always the black sheep of the family, and individual with precocious and witty nature. He was handsome and charming to everyone, and very sly with worlds.
However, as mentioned he was caught up in the strands of fate as one of the possible candidates for the "Dragon Reborn" since he was "Ta'vern". He and his two friends had to flee their village as the forces of the Dark One invaded his home. Not only was he and he friends to be hunted by the Dark One, but they were to be manipulated by the White Tower and pulled by the politics of various nations.
Matt being the trouble maker that he is seemed to get himself in a world of trouble. His curiosity had him cursed when he possessed by Mordeth of Shadar Logoth.
He also found he was the one destined to blow the Horn of Valare, who called up forth the spirits of heroes from a bygone age. He also went into the Red Doorway in Tear, a powerful ter'angreal that transported to the land of the Aelfinn who prophesied his fate. In Rhuidean he found another Red Doorway and entered it again, this time he wanted clearer answers, but the Aelfinn gave him wishes instead in which he paid the price of being hung. He gained the ability to speak in various languages of the Old Tongue and had the knowledge of 1,000 years crammed into his head.
Matt is a character who wants to defy fate, he does not want to be controlled, and want to be who he is without the influence of others. By nature he takes calculated risks, and then only for himself. He would never endanger another with his choices. He wants to have a simple life, but with the abilities he has gained many responsibilities have been thrust upon him.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Scarred Lands
The world of Scarn is a campaign setting created by White Wolf's Sword & Sorcery branch from the d20 system. The world of Scarn was created long ago by the Titans, primordial beings of immense power.
For centuries Scarn and all of its lifeforms were there playthings, however the titans did not count that their children would rise up against them. Their children, were not like them but true gods. They soon realized that the faith and belief of their worshipers gave them power. The gods made their move, and a battle took place between the Titans and themselves. In the end the gods defeated the titans, imprisoning them or scattering there essences across the universe. Although defeated, the Titans still struggle to be free once more. The gods have become complacent and mistrust have formed amongst themselves.
On Scarn there are five major continents; Ghelspad, Termana, Fenrelik, Asherak, and the Dragon Lands.
Each one has felt the the scars of the battle with the Titans and have adapted to the current world.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Character Profile: Dean Winchester
"As long as I'm around, nothing bad is gonna happen to you."
-Dean Winchester
Well take Hunter: The Reckoning and make it in to a TV show and you have "Supernatural". Dean Winchester is the son of a Hunter, who has taken up his father's legacy to hunt the dark supernatural creatures out there threaten humanity.
Dean has a rough exterior, mostly due to the fact that he had to grow up really quick. His mother died due to demonic possession, and lived on the road with his dad and brother for a number of years. While his father was on hunts, he had to take care of his younger brother by any means necessary. He is resourceful and tough, but has a heart of gold as he knows the true meaning of sacrifice and devotion. He will do whatever it takes to protect those who are in need. Of all the characters I have read, he reminds me of a wolf who is a person.
One of the most charming things about Dean is his nature. He is a man of few words and simple pleasures, and mostly direct action. He will charge in and save you, and take he can take beating and overcome his foe. Although he is a man's man as they say, he also has a geeky side which he rarely shows... I would say that is his inner child who still hangs on to comics and video games.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Famous Spellcasters: Tremere
Name: Tremere
World: Earth aka "Vampire: The Masquerade" & "Mage: The Ascension"
Spells: Blood Thaumaturgy.
Tremere was a mage who was one of the original 12 founders of the Order of Hermes. He lived during the 8th century, and studied under Guorna the Fetid. Since he had studied under her, his youth and inexperience were not a factor when the Order was formed. Throughout decades that followed, he managed to make his House one of the most powerful one within the order. This was mostly due to his incredible political tact, and becuase of his mastery of Certamen "The Wizard Duel". However, the Houses fought back and sabotaged his most trusted lieutenants with befuddlement. After negations with the Houses, the quick schism end and his apprentices were restored.
Knowing that mortality was creeping up upon him and seeking to get an upper hand on the other houses, he searched for methods to expand his power. Unfortunately he could not find any means. However, his apprentice Goratrix developed a means to attain immortality through the use of vampirism. Tremere agreed, and he and his apprentices soon became vampires.
Unable to wield true magic anymore, he worked with many of others in house to provide the support needed to research new ways of casting spells and creating the Gargoyles. After much research he developed Blood Thaumaturgy, a form of magic powered by ritual and the innate power of his vampiric blood. Seeking to further seek his own power he searched for my potent vitae. His quest lead him to an an antideluvian vampire, named Saulot whom he diablerized. Unknowing he also was possessed by Saulot as well, entering into long topors as he contested the creature within. Centuries later, with the help of Goratrix he managed to free himself only to have existence as a spirit.
His apprentices are Etrius, Goratrix, Meerlinda, Calderon, Abetorius, and two others.
World: Earth aka "Vampire: The Masquerade" & "Mage: The Ascension"
Spells: Blood Thaumaturgy.
Tremere was a mage who was one of the original 12 founders of the Order of Hermes. He lived during the 8th century, and studied under Guorna the Fetid. Since he had studied under her, his youth and inexperience were not a factor when the Order was formed. Throughout decades that followed, he managed to make his House one of the most powerful one within the order. This was mostly due to his incredible political tact, and becuase of his mastery of Certamen "The Wizard Duel". However, the Houses fought back and sabotaged his most trusted lieutenants with befuddlement. After negations with the Houses, the quick schism end and his apprentices were restored.
Knowing that mortality was creeping up upon him and seeking to get an upper hand on the other houses, he searched for methods to expand his power. Unfortunately he could not find any means. However, his apprentice Goratrix developed a means to attain immortality through the use of vampirism. Tremere agreed, and he and his apprentices soon became vampires.
Unable to wield true magic anymore, he worked with many of others in house to provide the support needed to research new ways of casting spells and creating the Gargoyles. After much research he developed Blood Thaumaturgy, a form of magic powered by ritual and the innate power of his vampiric blood. Seeking to further seek his own power he searched for my potent vitae. His quest lead him to an an antideluvian vampire, named Saulot whom he diablerized. Unknowing he also was possessed by Saulot as well, entering into long topors as he contested the creature within. Centuries later, with the help of Goratrix he managed to free himself only to have existence as a spirit.
His apprentices are Etrius, Goratrix, Meerlinda, Calderon, Abetorius, and two others.
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