
Saturday, August 28, 2010


Another universe similar to are own, but filled with superheroes. Names like Batmanm the Justice League, Wonder Woman, and the Flash should seem familiar. Based up DC Comics, the DC universe is expansive, covering many galaxy. Several galaxies are patrolled by the Green Lantern Corps, an organization established by the Guardians of the Universe. Their currently have established 3600 sectors of space, which contain a number of star systems. Earth for example is in sector 2814 (2814.38.C, 38 being the Star Number, and C designating the planet, and if the planet's satellite was told it would be shown as ".1")  The Earth Prime itself is a lot larger than our own, it contains more landmass, which explains new and unique countries. Magic here is also a lot easier to perform, and takes much more control to take effect and direct. Human here who have innate powers, are called Metahumans. It was also revealed, that Earth Prime is actually the center of the Universe were all life began.

Like other realities, the DC universe shared several parallel realities. It is unknown the what the exact number was, but it was last cataloged to be in the 1000's. The universe here tends to gravitate to as many as few universes as possible, all originally watched by a being known as the Monitor. His Antithesis, the Anti-monitor was responsible for doing away with divergent realities. Beside the Earth Prime Reality, there was its' opposite in the Anti-matter universe. This universe was exactly like ours, but things were reversed. Evil triumphed over good, the superheroes here were villains, god existed below, and hell was the unknown of space. Yet this system did not lost for longs, as one of the divergent realities attempted to thwart the Anti-Monitor and bought a a crisis in which realities seemed to have merged into one single universe.
Even though the universe was restored, bits an pieces were still out there. Unknown to many, is that whatever divergent realities were created and destroyed, they existed in a place known as limbo which cataloged each reality. Again bits and pieces of  the multiverse survived, in the form of the Anti-matter Universe and the unique individuals from other realities. One of these unique individuals attempted to recreate the various alternate realities to return home. However, it almost destroyed all of reality.

   Once again, reality was reset. Some how the Monitor was brought back into existence, but this time with 51 counterparts each in charge of a parallel earth. From these Earth, the rest of the multiverse would spring forth. Most of these Universes share a common theme, or have followed changed pivotal points in history.

Earth-0: Earth of the canon DC Universe.
: Earth reflective of our modern time.
: Earth were the JSA became the Justice Society Infinity.
: Evil Super-heroes are in charge, with Villians trying to fight back.
: A 1920's Noir Earth
: Earth of Fawcett Comics, very wholesome
: Not stated
: Not stated
Earth-8: DC's version of the Marvel Universe
: Earth of Wildstorm Comics.
: Earth where the Third Reich won with Nazi super-heroes..
: Earth of reversed genders.
: Future Earth of the Batman Beyond series.
: Earth of Vertigo Comics.
: Not stated
Earth-15: Good ultimately wins and villians reformed, Batman become paranoid/delusional.
: Where Superman and Batman's children fufill their role..
Earth-17: Earth where Simians are the dominate species.
Earth-18: Wild West era.
: Victorian era.
Earth-20: Pulp era.
Earth-21: "New Fontier" series, cold war era.
Earth-22: "Kingdom Come series".
Earth-23: Not stated
Earth-24: Not stated
Earth-25: Not stated
Earth-26: Anthromorphic Animal superheros.
: Not stated
Earth-28: Not stated
Earth-29: Not stated
Earth-30: Superman landed in Russia.
Earth-31:"Dark Knight Series", where Superman is a federal agent.
: Batman is a member of the GL Corps
Earth-33: Earth whose superheroes derive their powers from magic.
Earth-34: Themyscira is a world power.
: Not stated
Earth-36: Not stated
Earth-37: "Thrillkiller" series
: Not stated
Earth-39: Not stated
Earth-40: "JSA Liberty Files" series
Earth-41: Not stated
Earth-42: Not stated
Earth-43: Supernatural world in which Batman has become a vampire.
Earth-44: Earth with a Robotic version of the Justice League
: Not stated
Earth-46: Not stated
Earth-47: Not stated
Earth-48: Earth where the Forerunner's come from.
: Not stated
Earth-50: Earth of Wildstorm Comics.
Earth-51: "Kamandi: Last Boy on Earth" series, was reset.
: Not stated

Several universe have not be categorized in the 52 ordering; Earth-Prime were heroes exist only in comics except for superboy, "The Nail" series, and an Afro-centric Earth.

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