
Saturday, August 7, 2010

World of Darkness: Original

The World of Darkness campaign setting take place on a parallel earth. Our history is the same, except we learn that there other things out there that have been living with side by side. Vampires, Shapechangers, and Ghosts are but of the few creatures that have been living along side us. The supernatural is very very real. The overall campaign takes place from the point of view of these other creatures and people.

Vampire the Masquerade: We find that vampires were a result of the curse of Caine. In his hubris he was cursed by god and turned into a creature of the night. We find that through his progeny he passed on his curse. When his first three were killed by the following generation, he put his own curse on them. Thus modern vampires are descended from these 13, each with a unique curse. Throughout history they have been manipulating civilization, and have come to control much of the world. In Europe and the Americas, the Kindred Faction fight for dominance. In Arabia, the Ashirra dominate the land.In Africa, the Laibon do there best to hold what has been picked apart by their European and Arabian counterparts.

Werewolf the Apocalypse: There are many things from beyond trying to destroy reality, spiritual and ancient creatures.Our earth created the shapechangers (Fera) to guide humanity, being on part human and part animal. There are Werewolves (Garou), Werecats (Bastet), Weresnakes (Nagah), Wereboars (Grondr), Werebulls (Apis), Wererats (Ratkin), Weresharks (Rokea), Wereravens (Corax), Werereptiles (Mokole), Werespiders (Ananasai), Werecoyotes (Nuwisha), Werefoxes(Kitsune), Werebears (Gurhal)and Werebats (Camazotz) each tasked with a specific mission in defending the earth or guiding humans.
Mage the Ascension: Magic is part of the world, but on how magic should be used... that is what sets wizards apart.In the modern time there is a war between the Tradition and the Technocracy, too faction that want there paradigm of reality to be it.
Changeling the Dreaming: The fey creatures of the world survive by keeping imagination and possibility alive. They are born into the world time and time again until they discover there true selves and see the hidden world.
Wraith the Oblivion: What we call ghosts, are beings that have not passed on and are stuck in the underworld of death. A place between the land of the living and oblivion. In the spirit world the past and present collide, as the ancient dead and recently dead exist side by side. Most are afraid to move on becuase of imagined punishments or becuase of unfinished business. However, some wraiths have managed to re-inhabit there bodies. Those are called Revenants: The Risen. Yet for some reason, in Asia they are known as the Kuie-Jin and are akin to vampires.
Hunter the Reckoning: In this aspect, certain humans are called to battle vampires, ghost, witches, and werewolves. They do not know what has called them, but it has imbued these chosen with abilities to overcome the creatures of darkness.
Demon the Fallen: Angels and Demons are very real. The war between heaven and hell is ongoing, yet some demons grow tired and wish to escape to the mortal world and be rid of the conflict. However most just tend to take the battle into the mortal plane. While on earth, most demons find a host in which they animate.
Mummy the Resurrection: Lastly there are those who do not want to die, so they sought the path to immortality through a special rite. Most of these immortals have bonded with other ancestors spirits, who serve as a guide. These immortals never die, they exist for all time.. never aging.. never dying.

Sadly this world was bought to an end around 1999. The dark primordial spirit known as the "Wyrm" was growing stronger and was attempting to destroy the earth. Caine's children created too many generations of vampires to sustain itself, and thus the First Vampire came to cull his children. In the shadowlands of the Wraiths, a device was set off deep in the darkest parts, it had an effect which tore the gauntlet apart. Mages were suddenly weakened, the Changeling found it harder to connect to their world, etc. The Time of Judgement had arrived....yet something happened which twisted the world once more... where history was undone and the entire World of Darkness began anew and different.

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