
Monday, August 9, 2010

Famous Spellcasters: Artax

Name: Artax
World: Unknown aka "Nodwick"

Atrax is a wizard who is part of an adventuring company that features; Yeagar the Warrior, Piffany the Priestess, and their henchman Nodwick. They have been on many adventures, visiting Krynn, Ravenloft, Toril, and even Oerth. There primary foe seems to be the dark god Baphuma'al, whom they have thwarted time and time again within the Anserinian Empire.

Back to Artax, he is a average wizard, but is extremely well studied and knowledgeable on a variety of matters. He is also very adaptable and versatile in his spell-casting, for unlike traditional wizard he is not afraid of experimenting with new ways to use spells or magical items. Although Artax is no where near Archmage status, he is formidable in the sense of his creativity and effective use of his party henchman.

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