
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Famous Spellcasters: Rhonin Dragonheart

Name: Rhonin "Redhair" Dragonheart
World: Azeroth aka "Warcraft"

Rhonin was bhorn to a family in Andorhal, and started life off as a promising mage within the ranks of the Kirin Tor. Unfortunately, a spell went awry killing three other wizards. He was demoted for sometime, and was re-assigned certain duties. Krasus, managed to have Rhonin investigate certain happenings at Grim Batol. In the end, he along with other managed to help free the Dragon Aspect Alexsrtaza from her captivity under the Dragonmaw Clan and the Demon Soul. During the adventure, he fell in love with the Queldorie Ranger, Vereesa Windrunner. During the fall of Lorderon, most of his family fell to the Scourge and likewise the nation of Queldorei. He was called away once again by Krasus on another mission during Vereesa's pregnancy. Things went awry and he ended up 10,000 years in the past, a few month before the Sundering. There he assisted the Kaldorie against their battle with the Burning Legion, and even help train Illidan Stormrage in some of the arts of wizardry.

When he was returned to the present he was re-united with his family, but alterations had been made to the timeline thanks to the interference of both he and Krasus. A few years later, again he and Krasus would be drawn back to Grim Batol. To their horror they found the creation of the Twilight Dragons. Sinestra, the mate of Deathwing, had continued his work. She was defeated, but something else walked the tunnels of Grim Batol that they missed. After so many heroic deeds, many of the wizards of the Kirin Tor began looking to Rhonin for guidance. Soon he found himself in the position as the elected leader of Dalaran.

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